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Channeling can be defined as the process of receiving and relaying information from an outside entity with whom the channeler reaches a compatible vibrational level. This is done while in an altered state of consciousness, which can vary from a deep trance to a meditation-like state.

Brian Porzak has studied channeling with the world-renowned Laurie Gudnason, who is the Guide of the 7th Ray Mystery School, which is one of 12 global Ray Schools sourced from Tibet.

Brian has been charged to be a voice for Archangel Michael*. However, he is also a channel for over one hundred and fifty elemental spirits, angels and Archangels, who bring their special teaching and healing energy through him.

The answers to your key life issues come with a clarity rarely experienced.

“I came to channeling with a healthy dose of skepticism,
but, when I witnessed people I knew suddenly speaking
in ancient languages they had never studied, I knew this was for real.
The varied energies I feel from the several entities I channel confirm this.
Understand that this is not about fortune-telling,
but information for teaching and healing.
I deal only with positive entities, angels and Archangels
known from the world’s great spiritual practices.”

Brian Porzak

* For a free copy of a channeled communication from Archangel Michael,
text “Ray of Life” and your email address to 917-687-0242.

Fee: $250.00
Intensive: Combined Channeling & Negativity Clearing Sessions: $400
Entity Extraction/Curse, Spell or Limbic Birth Imprint Clearings: $150 additional
House/Apartment Clearings: $250 additional

(Intensive sessions tend to run two and a half to three hours)

Follow Up Sessions to Intensive: $150


“I had no expectations when we started and yet, when I left I felt pieces of my Life come together, things made sense. The boundless generosity of you, and by extension [Archangel] Michael filled me with light and love. Any person lucky enough to experience channeling through you will indeed know they are blessed.”
Jane Bernard
New York

"I was overwhelmed by Brian's ability to channel the angels. The guidance is authentic and such a tremendous gift. I keep going back to my notes to remind myself of the truth. Brian's work is a blessing in my life."
Julie Lynch
Los Angeles

“Thank you, Brian, for the beautiful channeling I received from Archangel Michael. He was delightful and really helped me to remember to have fun and to laugh!!! this is what brings me back to my true self! Also, I asked him how one can overcome low self-esteem and I was amazed at how profound and yet simple the answer was.”
Elissia O’Connor

“Thank you so much for making all of my angels and Archangels so personal to me. The way in which you were able to be a vehicle for each of their personalities and their unique relationships with me, was priceless. You truly became these different personalities. I have been present at many channels, but nothing like this. Thank you for your immense gift that has changed my life.”
Eve Pomerance

“I had a session with Brian that was amazing...not because it was "positive" or that I "heard what I wanted to hear", etc...amazing because it was, and felt, so dynamically authentic, congruent and "true." Brian, to me, is the real deal.”
Jonathan Pillot
New York


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