I want to pick up on a previous posting in which I discussed The Other Side of the Big Bang, which I consider a fascinating subject.
I decided to delve deeper into how that “place” might be better expressed and link it to what I have learned from the Angels about their principal connections to our dimension, especially regarding Earth.
(For those of you new to my work, it’s not so weird, if you think of Angels as operating on higher frequencies and consider that you receive the frequencies of hundreds of channels on your TV and that dogs can hear higher frequencies than humans. All one needs is the right receptor to “hear” these Beings.)
So, the following is what I’ve been told and, while it might cause some to unsubscribe, I’ll just have to live with it. My thanks to those of you who are willing to continue to listen.
The Other Side of the Big Bang
When there was no When and no Where, there was a What…a Consciousness that existed within a singular note of vibrational frequency…the ineffable Creator, the Non Thing that was and is All.
And, within this Sound of Silence on The Other Side of the Big Bang, the All began to emanate other notes, other vibrational frequencies comprised within it…the initial being those of the Supreme Masculine and the Supreme Feminine, who, in turn, emanated vibrational frequencies of a step lower…the Merkabah* Angels and Angels of the Tree of Life, who, in turn, emanated several lower vibrational frequencies, the ranked “choirs” of Angels.
Again, this succession of vibrational frequencies was accomplished pre matter within the All.
The Big Bang
Time and matter began with an audible crescendo of lower frequencies, The Big Bang, which burst forth in all directions and continues to do so, creating “place” with molecular structure, comprised, first, of gaseous and, then, solid constructs.
The force of the Big Bang moved the Angelic frequencies from a sense of completeness to occupation; motivating them, as well as putting into motion their own creation of Elemental Beings to construct useful forms from the Matter.
The potential of the universe became kinetic in time and space, moving from pure Isness to Busyness as Illumination brought forth Light.
The Repository of Souls
After 10 billion years as Humans would measure it, a repository of lower frequencies or Souls was set aside for the Beings whose Consciousness would evolve on the habitable worlds within the universe of constructed Matter.
Those Beings evolved from Matter would have to earn their level of Consciousness… that being the vibrational frequencies of their given Souls.
The individual reward for these Beings, put through the test of several lifetimes, would be the opportunity to achieve levels of vibrational frequency equal to those of the Elementals or even the various choirs of Angels, i.e., to become Ascended Masters.
The degree to which Elementals and Angels help the Planetary Beings in their evolution and ascension, including incarnating as one of them, is an opportunity for them to raise their own levels of Consciousness, as well. A win win situation.
Unfortunately, conflict to this Plan has arisen due to a faction of Angelic Beings, who feel this new dimension of Beingness is a mistake…an error on the part of Creator, i.e., that there is nothing of value to be learned from this dimension or from being in harmony with it; that the best solution is to get rid of it.
These “Angels of Darkness,” also, incarnate within the Beings of the habitable planets. But, their mission is to create chaos and the destruction of the worlds they infect. There is, therefore, an ongoing battle between the Angelic Armies of the Light and the Armies of Darkness.
Angelic Visitation
At a stage of physical and mental development of Earth’s species, Humans were granted Souls through the Visitation of the planet’s Ministering Angel.
Thereafter, both the Angels known as the Supreme Masculine and the Supreme Feminine incarnated at stages in Human societies where one nation or society held dominion over vast numbers of people.
They alternated between being Mithra, Attis and Krishna before incarnating together as Mother Mary and Jesus Christ, the latter two bringing together the teachings of Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism with the single Word that defines Humanity’s ultimate teaching, the concept of Honor…the equality of all; the acceptance of all others as one accepts him/herself…the true nature of Human Beingness.
A Very New Testament
Though the story of Mother Mary and Jesus Christ has been altered, aggrandized and bastardized over the centuries, the truth is much more interesting than the fiction and is now coming forth in The Very New Testament.
These Angelic incarnations came at a time, when Roman power held dominion over most of the known world and there was, also, access to the world beyond its control. And, they did not come alone. Their circle was a coterie of incarnated Angels and Elemental Spirits both to nurture and protect them.
Mother Mary, the incarnation of the Angel Barbelo (the Supreme Feminine), was a member of the Magdala, a circle of female teachers and healers, who gathered off the West Bank of the Sea of Galilee.
Mary’s mother, Hannah, was the incarnation of Ranos, an Elemental Fire Spirit, who, also, gave birth to her sister Elizabeth, the incarnation of the Angel Za’Afiel.
Within Sacred Ceremony, Mary was impregnated by Zacharias, a fiery Sadducee Chief Temple Priest, who was the incarnation of the Merkabah Angel Akatriel, one of the 8 Angels known as the Supreme Judgment Council.
After the death of Zacharias at the hands of the Romans, Joseph of Nazareth, the incarnation of an Earth Elemental, became the step-father of their child, Jesus, the incarnation of the Angel Kether (the Supreme Masculine).
The Seraphin Angel Sandalphon incarnated as Christ’s cousin and apostle, known as James the Just and the Angel Abel incarnated as Jesus’ cousin and apostle, John.
Muriel, an Elemental Earth Spirit, gave birth to Mary Magdelene, who was the incarnation of the Merkabah Angel Azbuga, also one of the Supreme Judgment Angels.
This confluence of incarnations indicates its importance to setting forth a simple explanation of how Humans might connect beyond the power of a state.
As an example of the importance of family, Mary Magdalene became the wife of Christ and was carrying their child, when he was crucified.
Simon the Cyrene, the incarnation of the Seraphim Angel Michael, served as the young Christ’s bodyguard as he studied in present day Egypt, Iran and Syria; then, bore the cross, when Christ could no longer carry it on the day of his crucifixion.
After he awakened from his coma, Christ, along with his disciple Jude Thaddeus and a small cadre of followers, escaped to India and Kashmir where he taught and preached his Word until his death by natural causes in Penukonda, India.
After Christ’s departure from Israel, Simon accompanied Mother Mary and a cadre from Magdala to present day Yemen to protect her from the Romans. He remained her protector until the day of her death.
Mary Magdalene, her sister sister Martha and other women from the Magdala, were sent to Southern France to escape from the Romans. There, Mary gave birth to Tamar, the incarnation of the Angel Agiel. Her descendants gave rise to the Merovingian dynasty.
Cosmological Considerations
The universe is expanding and that expansion is happening in all directions. Therefore, most, if not all the other habitable planets are, probably, moving in directions farther away from Earth.
The likelihood of travel between habitable planets is, therefore, diminishing unless pathways such as Worm Holes exist. But, that is doubtful, given the laws of physics and the fact I’ve been given no clue about their existence.
It may be that Humans are entangled with other planets’ species and can connect via thought transmission or the teleportation of energy, rather than via mechanical means. (More to come.)
Though the physical laws of their planets may alter the appearance and physiology of Beings on other habitable planets, they are subject to the same hierarchy of Angels and Elementals in their development. That, we have in common and is a cause for inter- world bonding.
Keep in mind what I expressed in my earlier posting… What the ancients called gods are what we call Angels. And, things and feelings have Angels charged to watch over them. There is only one Creator, but there are billions of Angels.
Surely, there will be more revelations as we are given the ability to further understand the cosmology of this dimension, the laws of nature and the information derived from new Angelic incarnations. But, hopefully, within the light of our current understanding of science and the laws of nature, the above information will make more sense to you than the stories handed down to us from a few thousand years ago.
If you have questions (or arguments), please feel free to contact me.
*Merkabah refers to the “Wheels of the Creator’s chariot.”
In other words, the Beings who put the All into motion.