The 1967 musical Hair told us humanity had reached “the dawning of the Age of Aquarius”…a progressive, innovative and humanitarian age wherein people would be filled with lofty visions for their own future and the future of all society…a desire to make the world a better place.

However, it seems most, if not all, of the world feels the dawn hasn’t transformed into the fullness of daylight…or, perhaps, has been rained out.

But, here we are at the finish of 2021’s yearend holidays, not to mention the beginning of the Zodiac sign of Aquarius, and have another opportunity to be inspired to step into the fullness of the new Age.

As I watched the Peruvian woman in the photo move from the inspiration for the design of a new rug into the actual fulfillment of her idea, it inspired me to begin a new facet to my work that is now being fully realized.

What about you?  What can inspire you to make new positive changes in your life?  Or, what do you wish to inspire in others about which you have questions?

Don’t be shy. The fact you’re reading my postings indicates you’re someone who has the ability to make or inspire changes meaningful not only to yourself, but others, as well.

So, now, I’m putting you on the “hot seat.”

And, I’ll ask again… What kind of inspiration do you need for your next venture?  Or, who or what do you wish to inspire in yourself or in others?

Wow! Writing this posting has just inspired an idea…!

If you call or text me with a question about what you need to inspire you or what you wish to inspire in someone or others….even the world, I’ll give you 15 minutes of my time to listen and offer any feedback that I’m inspired to help you think it through.

If you’re in another country and want to email me a paragraph on what you need to inspire you or you wish to inspire, I’ll send you a link and we can have our 15 minutes over Zoom.

So, it’s a “You tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine” deal.  (And, “mine,” only if you wish.)

Here’s to mutual inspiration!

Phone/text 917-687-0242 or email  My offer extends until February 18th.