What Multi-Destination Signposts Reveal

This image of multi-destination signposts reveals a simple truth to me…Earth’s positive development from the time humans thought the planet was flat to the realization we are twirling through space on a fairly round ball.

Let me explain…

Hominids developed a capacity for language about 50,000 years ago, but it was only in the 3rd century BC that Hellenistic astronomy established the roughly spherical shape of Earth as a physical fact and calculated the planet’s circumference.

So, the knowledge we are on a “ball” has only been known for less than 5% of human history, but it’s only been generally accepted since the time of Galileo in the 17th Century, less than 1% of human history ago!

That “ball” means we won’t fall off an edge as most humans had thought possible before then.

Along with this false belief most of what we call religions had postulated there were very strict directions to follow in order to find “the one truth” or “only road to salvation.”

Note, however, that the word “religion” comes from the Latin religio, which means “way of life.”  So even atheism is a religion.

Historically, many of the world’s problems have come from practitioners of various religions claiming theirs was the “only” or the “one right” way of life.

However, our varied directional signposts attest to the fact there is not just one way, but that there are many possibilities, each one of which may be valid to go to and achieve one’s happiness.

It’s only in this understanding that we can develop a mutual acceptance of each other’s way and develop a peaceful sharing of the fruits of our planet.

However, the true route to Earth’s achieving its purpose depends on each of us successfully making a journey that begins within.  It’s only by, first, accepting and respecting ourselves that we can truly accept and respect the paths of others.

A victorious journey must start by surrendering to what is known as our true selves; by plowing ahead toward our personal self-realization and doing so without interfering with the paths of others.

That may sound like a paradox, but understanding what it means to be one’s true self will bring about a clarity regarding the self-suffering it takes for anyone to do so and should, therefore, create a desire and intention to help, not hinder, the paths of others.

The playwright Edward Albee wrote, “Sometimes you’ve got to go a long way around to come back a short distance, correctly.”

So, it may require many “do-overs” to get on your path of doing no harm and supporting the right of others.  But knowing and accepting that there are many routes to self-realization on this planet should, hopefully, create an understanding of the beauty in the possibility this new age of humanity offers.

Here’s wishing you joy in following your possibilities, while allowing all of us to pursue ours, as well.

Hopefully, with enough mixing, our many routes will lead to a common vision …the understanding that we are all designated stewards of planet Earth, a place that was intended to be peacefully shared.

Perhaps that’s the goal our dimension’s Creator had set, all along.