Overcoming obfuscation, whether it be via advertising, the press, politicians, even friends or family, has become one of the greatest issues we have been facing during the past few years, if not over our entire lifetimes.

True, we have commandments, laws, mores and teachers to guide us.  But even these can, often, leave us wanting.

Who or what can be trusted?

Because of the din of noise around us, there doesn’t seem to be an easy answer.

Though you can research the who, what and where of most anyone or anything, I have found that even some of the available and supposedly “trusted” sources seem uninspired.

Last month, my blog noted that even the spiritual guides of some of us can be misleading.  So, what is one to do?

Ultimately, one has to end up going with one’s “gut.”  But, unfortunately, the trust question has to include ourselves, as well.

“Can I trust myself?  Up ‘til now, how have I been doing in that regard?”

The simple answer to all these questions can only come “by living through it.”

The main point of this life is to learn about oneself, by discerning what works for you and what doesn’t…by determining what is fulfilling and what isn’t.

And, since we’re all in the same boat, it would help to feel that we’re all supporting each other’s efforts to live a safe and joyous life, while we pursue our answers as to our specific purpose.

But, in reality, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Why is that?

Pride, jealousy and greed are, of course, some of the answers.  “I worked, studied, merited, earned, inherited” this or that “and you didn’t” are, unfortunately, the answers of some and there are a myriad of other answers, as well.

My point is not to offer the ultimate solution, but to give you some parameters in how to search for clarity in your life…

Why do you do what you do?  Is it really what you want to do?  Does it make you feel content?   If not, why do you do it? Is there a way to do something more rewarding, more fulfilling?  What would it take to do that?  Are you willing to do what it takes?

The answer or answers to these questions will take you to the first level of understanding.

It’s only when your answer contains, “Can I do what I want or need to do without impinging on the efforts of others to obtain their honest goals?” that you will reach the ultimate understanding of how yours can be a joyful quest among your fellow human beings.

It’s only when there will be mutual support that we will receive the true clarity as to what life is all about.

The answer is not just about what you or I do or obtain.  It’s about who you and I are.

And it’s only when our understanding contains being caring and helpful to others, as well as to ourselves…being fellow participants in the grand quest to uncover the mystery of obtaining both personal and group enjoyment…that we will achieve the ultimate “Ahaa!”

As we move from pockets to fields to, hopefully, nations of clarity, this grand experiment in enlightenment can be realized.  But it’s up to you, me…all of us!

I hope this provides you with some clarity.