The Essential Question

“What would it take for my consciousness to accept the feeling of my being a creator instead of the feeling of my being a victim?”

First off, know that, in our fractional universe, one should be grateful to be able to ask that question, because the very act of questioning presents an acceptance of personal responsibility.

What’s more, feeling everything is not right often presents the very answer we seek.

And, in this case, know this very question is not only the essential question, it is, also, the answer being sought, because being able to ask it puts the asker on the right track for all the answers he or she seeks.

It will, ultimately, lead to the place where we can all come together…the reality that will inspire all of us…where we will all shine…where we will all become affecting instead of being affected…where we will become a singularity…where we will accept each other’s power…where we will become the true sense of uni-dimensional by being on a single wave length where we will all be creators.

That’s worth striving for.

So, ask it!

Thanks to Ronit Singer for inspiring this blog.