We often learn more quickly and clearly through the use of metaphors.

So, I’m going to ask you to think of every star in the universe as representing a single cell in one great human body and pose the question as to whether the All of these “cells”…the entire body…is healthy or, at least, has the potential of being healthy…or not?

As I have proposed in past blogs, there is a battle amongst the creatures…or Angels, as I call them…from the other side of the Big Bang, who have been at odds as to whether Creation, as it’s called (or this Dimension, as I call it) is a positive or negative event…i.e., capable of being healthy (read worthy) or not.

I see evidence that the answer to that question is, actually, the “why” of this Creation and is in the process of being answered in the positive to those Beings who are questioning it.

Life, as I see it, is more than just the battle for balance between the positive and negative aspects of Creation.  It is the opportunity for these planetary “cells,” as part of the growth of the All, to excel!

The fact the Universe is expanding supports my contention the All has the opportunity to be ever healthier because it has the will to be so.

More than those of other Creatures…other “cells,” including Earth’s Trees and Plants…, the Human Brain is the most conscious part of Creation and our desire to travel to other planets or galaxies gives evidence of our inherent function to expand, to experience more of the All.

What’s more, the Human power to create and, moreover, our “gift of return,” i.e., ability to reincarnate, fully establishes humanity as being in the position of being the “brain cells” in my metaphor.   And our desire to move “outward” and “upward” beyond Earth in our exploration of the universe indicates a desire to overcome the opposition of those Beings who wish this Dimension to disappear.

It, also, indicates that our overall desire to be “cells” obtaining the full health and possible development that this Dimension can afford is further indication that the point of Creation has always been to rise, not descend.  It’s why, like flowers, we always open to the light.

If you feel a certain zest in the light, then your intrinsic intelligence is letting you know you are encoded for being part of the health of the universe and are the proof of humankind’s validity.

If that is not the case, then you know you are in need of guidance to get with the natural flow of nature and becoming a functional part of the All.

So, don’t ever be afraid to reach out.  It actually means you’re reaching up…reaching up to your natural process of being who you are intended to be!