Have you ever experienced the sensation of having “stepped out of yourself” as an impartial observer, who is almost disbelieving you’re considering performing a dubious act and, then, hearing a surprised voice, which is unlike your own, react with something like, “Really!?”
Or, have you, perhaps, had that shocked reaction pop up as if by an invisible onlooker, while you’re actually in the process of some controversial or nefarious activity?
If so, you’re probably experiencing your Higher Self or Soul being startled as it’s witnessing your life.
It can feel as quite a shock, especially if you have this realization while the action is actually taking place. You may feel you’ve been dicovered and want to run.
However, because the experience is usually so fleeting, it may not even register that that voice is not your own. But, if it does register, you may, rightly, get the impression your Higher Self feels it has been found “cheating” in judging your decisions. And, that would actually be the case, since there is a “hands-off-unless-called-upon” rule in place between ours and our Soul’s’ dimension.
We are the Experiencers of our experiences, who have been given the Free Will to decide what we wish to think or do throughout our lifetimes. However, what we think or do does impact our Soul’s future. And, at times, our Soul may, inadvertently, betray its presence.
The good news in that “betrayal“ is the recognition that we are never totally alone. Our Higher Selves…our Souls…are always with us. Each of us are the focus of an evolving Being; part of something to which we are inextricably linked.
If you wish to welcome the awareness of this presence and commune with it…letting it know it has your consent…, the practice of yoga* and the meditative state to which it leads are highly recommended.
Yoga produces a state of achieving union and enlightenment.
In yoga, the asanas or poses are a preparation that bridges between physical and mental health; between compassion and experiencing love.
Then, in the meditation for which one is made ready by the asanas, it is possible to become not only the Observer of your mind, but to maintain the experience of your Higher Self or Soul becoming present to you, while it checks in on how you’re doing in the pursuit of your self-mastery.
Some may feel that monks or nuns may spend too much time sitting around in the meditative state. But, that’s only because they haven’t experienced the bliss the union with one’s Higher Self achieves.
When, in Past Life Regression, I take clients into more than one of their past lives (which is always the case), they must, consequently, experience going through death.
Since I do this work with positive individuals, the experience has, without fail (well, except once), been one of utter joy; sometimes to the extent of my having trouble moving them beyond the first life because, in the after-life experience, they’re having such a good time being in union with their Higher Selves and the sense of freedom it produces.
The result is that they see Death is nothing to fear.
If you would like a referral to a Yoga Master who can help you get to that meditative state, I would be happy to provide it. There are, of course, classes online.
*Note that I’m speaking of Raja Yoga
or the softer, more traditional styles;
not what I would term yogaerobics.