According to ascension teachings, the Earth is in the process of shifting into a whole new level of reality in which a consciousness of love, compassion, peace and spiritual wisdom prevails.
This Fifth Dimension has been described as the Dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart. In order to enter into this Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the threshold. No fear, anger, hostility or guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation.
There are many fine guides in the U.S., Colombia, Australia, Oman and elsewhere (refs. on request), who can take you through the portal into the Fifth Dimension. The question is, “Are you prepared for the journey?”
Total Renewal clears you of any negative energies that would inhibit you and allows you to create the emotional strength to overcome past weaknesses, so you are able to move forward fully empowered.
As Hamlet came to understand, “The readiness is all.”