Following last month’s posting on The Abode of Souls, I was told a story that has made me rethink the term “Higher Self” and brought me to a deeper understanding of the majesty of our human experience.
A client, who I believe to be the Earthly incarnation of an Angel, told me he had been suffering from a back problem and, in a group discussion in which he had recently participated, someone else mentioned they were suffering from the same issue.
Another member of the group suggested that person might have a “stuck” emotion that needed to be released. So, my client wondered if that might be his problem, as well, and decided to ask his Higher Self if that might be the case. (FYI, you don’t have to be an incarnated Angel to talk to your own Soul.)
The answer he received was that he did not have a stuck emotion, but his Higher Self admitted it did. And, in investigating what that emotion was, he discovered it was jealousy.
That meant, in a higher dimension, an Angel was jealous of another Angel, which struck him…and, subsequently, me…as totally bizarre!
The reason he told me this story was because he wanted me to take his Soul through the same Emotional Maturation process I was going to take him through in our Total Renewal session. He felt that, since he was suffering from an issue that was not of his making, the release of it on the Soul level might end his pain.
I really had to think that through. And, here’s what I realized…
One of the issues I consider, when diagnosing any client, is whether they might have what is known as a Past Life Contract…meaning an agreement made in a past life for money, power, fame, marriage or any other wish in which their Soul was complicit and which caused others suffering or harm. (Those who have such an issue seem never to be able to realize their goals in this lifetime.)
So, that’s an issue I’d already been dealing with for which one’s Soul holds the responsibility. It’s just that I had never considered an emotion in that way and, certainly, never thought of jealousy existing on the Angelic level.
But, then again, why not? I remembered the reason Angels incarnate as humans is to work out their own issues in a material, sensorial existence (as well as to help humanity evolve, of course). After all, no entity is perfect.
My takeaway was that sometimes what is afflicting one’s Soul could be what is negatively affecting its human incarnation and rebirth might even be a cry for help on a Soul’s part.
The implication is that this life may be your chance to be the Higher Self that changes the direction and the afflictions haunting your Soul. What’s more, the fact that, in some lifetimes, you might serve your Soul by being its Higher Self and fixing its mistakes is an affirmation of humanity’s importance.
Most refer to the saying, “As above, so below” and do not give credit to, “As below, so above.” Again… That is a key reason why Creator brought this dimension into being.
So… Since one’s Soul is not always the “Higher” Self, I will no longer be using that term. From now on, my alternative to “Soul” will be “Prime Self.”
Incidentally, since our “dual-level” session, my client’s back issue has vastly dissipated and is, hopefully, on the way to total remission. (So, that’s reassuring.)
There is a silver lining in the fact that what haunts you may not always be your issue. Beyond meaning you have the ability to be the healer of your Soul, it attests to the power you have to obtain whatever you wish to achieve.
Own it.