
Chakras (a Sanskrit term, meaning spinning wheels) are the centers of spiritual power in the human body. They have the responsibility of taking in, incorporating and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels.

When our chakras become blocked due to visceral upheavals or injuries, it can lead to imbalances in one’s emotional and spiritual health and that, in turn, can affect physical health, as well.

In my work, I concern myself with the 7 main chakras (crown, 3rd eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacrum and root) to open the blockages imposed on them from external, i.e., “outside” forces.

To illustrate; since emotions are linked to various organs in our bodies, solar plexus and sacrum chakras can become blocked due to the feelings imposed on us by others in our lives.  Their psychic rays of energy enter our systems like the cords attached to the woman in the above photo.

In the case where one has a boss or mate, who is always criticizing or berating, it can not only block the solar plexus chakra, but the person’s liver and/or gallbladder can be affected, as well. There is a psychic “hook” emanating from the other to the person’s solar plexus chakra.

Likewise, the heart chakra is, most often, blocked, when we cut off from friends, relatives or lovers, who we feel are disrupting our lives; but they haven’t cut off from us.

My role is to identify the injured chakras, quantify the number of attached “cords” and, then, cut them to restore the free flow of energy through the client’s system.

Following this, the Emotional Maturation process through which I lead my clients allows their negative emotions to undergo a metamorphosis into positive strengths.  Within a few hours, we accomplish a transformation some of my therapist clients have said would take them months to develop in a patient.

The ongoing use of these personally developed “tools” allows for the healing of the injured organs.

This is only part of the disentanglement from attachments that is brought about from a Total Renewal session.