The Many Roads – Part 2

In last month’s blog, The Many Roads to the Primal Directive, my main point was to stress that no matter the number of people on Earth, the Prime Directive of what I term “Creator” is to share the fruits of creation and that all the billions of Soul paths are meant to, ultimately, lead to that understanding.

However, a few of you seem to have thought that I was open to or espousing unlimited population growth, which is certainly not the case.

So, I thought it best to clarify by focusing on what it means “to share.”

Sharing implies Caring…moving beyond the self to the support of others.

And, Caring, further, implies Consideration…accepting the differing ways of others with the faith that no matter in how many directions they go, it will, inevitably, lead everyone to the same point.

Moreover, Consideration implies Planning the ultimate party.

And, most importantly, Planning implies Thought…making sure the setting is beautiful and comfortable; that the food is abundant, shelter is assured and the joy is plentiful.

The desired outcome necessitates using our evolving brains to make sure, as I said last month, that everyone who shows up for the party will be well-versed in and committed to ensuring all will have a blissful time.

Finally, your Commitment will come easier and faster with the magic ingredient of Compassion that will produce and keep you on a rainbow path as illustrated above.                                                                                  
Photo Credit: Daniel Mercadante