Inspiration is the ability to blend disparate ideas and create new forms and operations, with the highest forms generating the planet’s betterment and beauty.
Inspiration is what elevates humanity above the mere beingness of everything that exists and the instinct of plants and animals.
But, where does inspiration come from?
I believe it starts with being open to change and allowing yourself to investigate ideas and forms other than what currently exists.
That can be a hurdle some cannot surmount, especially if it means stepping away from the conventions into which one has been born or is currently immersed.
So, I suggest that it would help to spur yourself on by focusing on efforts that will aid the betterment of all rather than just yourself.
In a previous blog, I pointed out the fact that Earth’s population jump means there are several million more “first-life souls” on the planet at a time when technologies that could destroy all life exist. Witness what the population jump from the 1800s did with the creation of the last century’s “world” wars!
So, it behooves all the older souls (and I suggest you wouldn’t be reading this unless you are one) to become inspired to help re-create the planet with ideas and technologies that will bring about a renaissance in peaceful endeavors.
NOW may be the last opportunity to help the planet survive. So, I urge you to help by focusing your mind toward ensuring that happens!
Allow yourself to nurture your talents and abilities, so your inspirations can come forward and be expressed!
Painting by Max Ernst…Gala Éluard, 1924