From maggots to MAGA and political putains to Putin, playwright Sean O’Casey’s character Captain Boyle stated it clearly in Juno and the Paycock, when he opined, “Th’ whole worl’s in a terrible state o’ chassis”…i.e. “chaos.”
How do we wend our way through it all, rise above it and find a sense of accomplishment and happiness?
That’s our challenge.
Depending on where we are and who we’re with, that’s going to be more of a challenge for some than it will be for others.
And even the more truly successful…those with heart…will, often, find it difficult to accept their “haves” while others “have not.”
It’s a dilemma.
The trick is to find your “sunrise”…the thought, vision or person that can ignite your spirit even under the most dire circumstances…the one that allows you to soar, even if it’s only for a few precious moments of the day.
So, as we enter the sun sign of Aquarius, I invite you to make your “sunrise” the quest for your personal “Age of Aquarius.”
I think you’ll find that your example will be contagious!