What & How We See

One of the greatest limitations we all face or have faced is the attempt to override our constrictions in trying to fit the world into our initial mindset instead of soaking in new impulses…in other words, the issue of dealing with the reality as set in our mind instead of the reality of what is.

Do we have kneejerk negative reactions or fear-based limitations to allowing for the “wow” of new possibilities…for holding on to our truth instead of the truth?

How do we go about accessing new ways of being and connect to a “central wisdom” and not just our own wisdom?

Or is there a central wisdom or…a the truth?

Whatever the case and if you feel there may be something beyond one’s self, how do you course-correct or allow for the expansion versus the constriction of your initial core essence and what you have been given to know?

The only way for any of us is to activate our evaluation of how the world has been presented to us, to educate ourselves with an alternate awareness that will stir us on our gut-level and let in challenges to our “givens.”

It is only with such evaluations that we can decide how we want to deal with life.

It’s my belief that each of us are intended to be a “note” in what I term as the music of the spheres.

It’s only by finding and striking our personally chosen note as opposed to what others supposed we should think or do that humanity will create the most pleasant symphony.

The evidence I see is in the fact there seems to be a universal recognition of the dissonance caused by the wrong notes being injected into a musical piece.

As depicted by the vision and challenge of the liberated cherub above (who has inspired this message), the most pleasant symphony will emerge from the right notes being strung together.

Ask yourself…  If humanity were to hit all the right notes, would there still be the wars and strife that currently exists?

Let’s find out.

It’s my belief that the what and how of this symphony is universally intuited, if it’s allowed to flow, uninhibitedly.

What you do to try and make that work is important because you, as all of us, are important.

Know that!  Live it!

An open mind is a happy and content mind.



We all emerge from the darkness of a womb into light.  But there are those of us who, whether metaphorically or in reality, prefer to keep themselves hidden in that primal darkness.


Is it a fear of being seen?  Or is it a fear of seeing?

Perhaps for some of us, it’s both.

We are in an age that would seem daunting to most of our ancestors.  It’s daunting even for most of us!

The 21st Century is bringing us an amazing array of informational facts and details about our planet, the universe and our bodies.  But, what about our Souls?

Even if all the 2 billion 1922 or “World War 1” Souls were reincarnated at this time, the number of “first-timers” in our 8 billion population would outnumber the “old” Souls by 4 to 1.  But, in reality, it’s probably, at least, more like 16 to 1, since only a small portion of the 1922 Souls are currently reincarnated.

No doubt, that’s why we haven’t learned from history and that our wars are ever more ongoing and ever more lethal.  And, if one considered only the “evolved” old Souls are currently reincarnated, you can see how it’s such an uphill battle to create sanity in this world.

That’s why you are so important!

It’s up to you to be a ray of light to the newer Souls.

The good news is that communications have evolved to today’s instantaneous level, so the Words of love and peace can be more easily and more rapidly spread.

So, I urge you to spread your light and illuminate the minds and spirits of your fellow human beings.

The fact you are reading this message is a profound testament to the fact you are an experienced Soul capable of igniting love, passion, freedom, harmony and light to humanity.

Shine on, my friend!  Shine on!

Photo Credit: Michael Jaeger

What Multi-Destination Signposts Reveal

This image of multi-destination signposts reveals a simple truth to me…Earth’s positive development from the time humans thought the planet was flat to the realization we are twirling through space on a fairly round ball.

Let me explain…

Hominids developed a capacity for language about 50,000 years ago, but it was only in the 3rd century BC that Hellenistic astronomy established the roughly spherical shape of Earth as a physical fact and calculated the planet’s circumference.

So, the knowledge we are on a “ball” has only been known for less than 5% of human history, but it’s only been generally accepted since the time of Galileo in the 17th Century, less than 1% of human history ago!

That “ball” means we won’t fall off an edge as most humans had thought possible before then.

Along with this false belief most of what we call religions had postulated there were very strict directions to follow in order to find “the one truth” or “only road to salvation.”

Note, however, that the word “religion” comes from the Latin religio, which means “way of life.”  So even atheism is a religion.

Historically, many of the world’s problems have come from practitioners of various religions claiming theirs was the “only” or the “one right” way of life.

However, our varied directional signposts attest to the fact there is not just one way, but that there are many possibilities, each one of which may be valid to go to and achieve one’s happiness.

It’s only in this understanding that we can develop a mutual acceptance of each other’s way and develop a peaceful sharing of the fruits of our planet.

However, the true route to Earth’s achieving its purpose depends on each of us successfully making a journey that begins within.  It’s only by, first, accepting and respecting ourselves that we can truly accept and respect the paths of others.

A victorious journey must start by surrendering to what is known as our true selves; by plowing ahead toward our personal self-realization and doing so without interfering with the paths of others.

That may sound like a paradox, but understanding what it means to be one’s true self will bring about a clarity regarding the self-suffering it takes for anyone to do so and should, therefore, create a desire and intention to help, not hinder, the paths of others.

The playwright Edward Albee wrote, “Sometimes you’ve got to go a long way around to come back a short distance, correctly.”

So, it may require many “do-overs” to get on your path of doing no harm and supporting the right of others.  But knowing and accepting that there are many routes to self-realization on this planet should, hopefully, create an understanding of the beauty in the possibility this new age of humanity offers.

Here’s wishing you joy in following your possibilities, while allowing all of us to pursue ours, as well.

Hopefully, with enough mixing, our many routes will lead to a common vision …the understanding that we are all designated stewards of planet Earth, a place that was intended to be peacefully shared.

Perhaps that’s the goal our dimension’s Creator had set, all along.



Most of us think of shadows, merely, as displacements of light.  Yet, they seem to have a subtle emotional effect on us, as well.

While sitting in a park, one midday, I saw two 3-year-olds, a girl and a boy, giggling and laughing, while trying to beat their moving shadows into submission as they danced around thrashing at the moving “obstacles” with sticks.  It made me laugh.

Later in the afternoon, I saw an old man gesturing and muttering to his day’s-end shadow, moving beside him as he walked, northerly.  It brought a tear to my eyes.

A dear friend of mine considers shadows as equalizers because their silence gives no one’s shadow an advantage over another’s, despite their everyday life status.

True. But to me, they’re so much more!

Painters know that the hue of a shadow is actually blue.  Black and white are shades, not colors.  The “black” and “white” of the photo of the flying bird herewith are the result of striping out the hues.

Our “seeing” of the forms of objects is the result of how light interacts with them.  No light, nothing to see.

So, it is we who give what we do see a name for the sensation those things or feelings give us.

Early twentieth-century Black singers like W. C. Handy gave a color to the depression originally encountered by alcoholic withdrawal.

Then, Mamie Smith’s renditions and “torch” singer Ruth Etting’s singing, “I’ll be blue, just thinking of you…,” solidified the color of heartache emotions and has even allowed for the basking in smothering darkness.

Now, I believe it is necessary for ALL of us to become painters, by coming out of our inner darkness and giving color to our worlds resulting from the self-generated inner light in which we see them.

The poet Dylan Thomas has warned us to “rage against the dying of the light,” and to “not go gentle into that good night.”

So, despite the even more dire issues the 21st century has presented us, it is more urgent than ever for each of us to do the best we can to crawl, walk, run or fly directly into the light, so the shadows of darkness can be left behind.

Photo Credit: William OSuch


“Your heart acts as a filter, refining and purifying your energy.” *

Of course, if your heart is shut down, confused or constricted in any way, it’s not going to be able to do its work.

As both of our hemispheres, now, go into radically different changes in weather, we’re all still facing the same diseases, as well as the same threats to our freedom and dignity.

Despite our leaps in technology, we are all going through feelings that, in the hands of dark powers, they could put us in jeopardy of facing possible mass extinction.

Such are the “advances” in our age.

No wonder there is a rampant sense of being “less than.”

It’s, therefore, more important than ever to draw upon our inner power, our lionhearts.

So, how does one go about doing that?

It starts with honoring one’s self…realizing the challenges in our personal lives represent the tests we’ve been specifically given to pass…to rise above…to utilize our hearts to filter, refine and purify.

For some, the tests may be harder than for others…at least in this lifetime.  But know that rising above them puts one’s soul on a higher plain than any material goods or fleeting pleasures one might receive.

In any case, it’s time to be you, to honor who you are and to realize that the challenges ahead of you are the “why” you have been given this particular life.

If you can do that without having to interfere with the positive path of anyone else, if you are willing to search out those who can help and support your rise and, most importantly, if you can surrender to trust in yourself, then you will be a true success.

Keep in mind that a lionheart is fearless and can withstand any challenge.

Go for it!

Photo Credit- @maya_mekira
*Quote – Steven Prestianni
Yoga Master



We often learn more quickly and clearly through the use of metaphors.

So, I’m going to ask you to think of every star in the universe as representing a single cell in one great human body and pose the question as to whether the All of these “cells”…the entire body…is healthy or, at least, has the potential of being healthy…or not?

As I have proposed in past blogs, there is a battle amongst the creatures…or Angels, as I call them…from the other side of the Big Bang, who have been at odds as to whether Creation, as it’s called (or this Dimension, as I call it) is a positive or negative event…i.e., capable of being healthy (read worthy) or not.

I see evidence that the answer to that question is, actually, the “why” of this Creation and is in the process of being answered in the positive to those Beings who are questioning it.

Life, as I see it, is more than just the battle for balance between the positive and negative aspects of Creation.  It is the opportunity for these planetary “cells,” as part of the growth of the All, to excel!

The fact the Universe is expanding supports my contention the All has the opportunity to be ever healthier because it has the will to be so.

More than those of other Creatures…other “cells,” including Earth’s Trees and Plants…, the Human Brain is the most conscious part of Creation and our desire to travel to other planets or galaxies gives evidence of our inherent function to expand, to experience more of the All.

What’s more, the Human power to create and, moreover, our “gift of return,” i.e., ability to reincarnate, fully establishes humanity as being in the position of being the “brain cells” in my metaphor.   And our desire to move “outward” and “upward” beyond Earth in our exploration of the universe indicates a desire to overcome the opposition of those Beings who wish this Dimension to disappear.

It, also, indicates that our overall desire to be “cells” obtaining the full health and possible development that this Dimension can afford is further indication that the point of Creation has always been to rise, not descend.  It’s why, like flowers, we always open to the light.

If you feel a certain zest in the light, then your intrinsic intelligence is letting you know you are encoded for being part of the health of the universe and are the proof of humankind’s validity.

If that is not the case, then you know you are in need of guidance to get with the natural flow of nature and becoming a functional part of the All.

So, don’t ever be afraid to reach out.  It actually means you’re reaching up…reaching up to your natural process of being who you are intended to be!



Overcoming obfuscation, whether it be via advertising, the press, politicians, even friends or family, has become one of the greatest issues we have been facing during the past few years, if not over our entire lifetimes.

True, we have commandments, laws, mores and teachers to guide us.  But even these can, often, leave us wanting.

Who or what can be trusted?

Because of the din of noise around us, there doesn’t seem to be an easy answer.

Though you can research the who, what and where of most anyone or anything, I have found that even some of the available and supposedly “trusted” sources seem uninspired.

Last month, my blog noted that even the spiritual guides of some of us can be misleading.  So, what is one to do?

Ultimately, one has to end up going with one’s “gut.”  But, unfortunately, the trust question has to include ourselves, as well.

“Can I trust myself?  Up ‘til now, how have I been doing in that regard?”

The simple answer to all these questions can only come “by living through it.”

The main point of this life is to learn about oneself, by discerning what works for you and what doesn’t…by determining what is fulfilling and what isn’t.

And, since we’re all in the same boat, it would help to feel that we’re all supporting each other’s efforts to live a safe and joyous life, while we pursue our answers as to our specific purpose.

But, in reality, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

Why is that?

Pride, jealousy and greed are, of course, some of the answers.  “I worked, studied, merited, earned, inherited” this or that “and you didn’t” are, unfortunately, the answers of some and there are a myriad of other answers, as well.

My point is not to offer the ultimate solution, but to give you some parameters in how to search for clarity in your life…

Why do you do what you do?  Is it really what you want to do?  Does it make you feel content?   If not, why do you do it? Is there a way to do something more rewarding, more fulfilling?  What would it take to do that?  Are you willing to do what it takes?

The answer or answers to these questions will take you to the first level of understanding.

It’s only when your answer contains, “Can I do what I want or need to do without impinging on the efforts of others to obtain their honest goals?” that you will reach the ultimate understanding of how yours can be a joyful quest among your fellow human beings.

It’s only when there will be mutual support that we will receive the true clarity as to what life is all about.

The answer is not just about what you or I do or obtain.  It’s about who you and I are.

And it’s only when our understanding contains being caring and helpful to others, as well as to ourselves…being fellow participants in the grand quest to uncover the mystery of obtaining both personal and group enjoyment…that we will achieve the ultimate “Ahaa!”

As we move from pockets to fields to, hopefully, nations of clarity, this grand experiment in enlightenment can be realized.  But it’s up to you, me…all of us!

I hope this provides you with some clarity.



Questions come from your mind.  But is your mind you?

I think the answer depends on one’s definition of “you.”

Don’t you ever feel that your mind is being observed by another part of yourself, questioning your decisions about “which would be the better way?”

If so, how would you define that “something” that is observing the mind?

Some would call it the True Self; others, the Higher Self; and still others, the Soul.  In any case, it’s the developing you.  It’s the Observer of your need to question.

Living various lives is like being a Halloween participant, taking on new personalities to see which is the most satisfactory.

Does this current life provide the same experience as does the missing piece in a puzzle to which one’s eye goes…i.e., the needed Distraction?

It’s in Distraction from the usual where we most often get the focus that will lead to an understanding of the difference between “out-there-ness” and one’s insular “point-of-view-ness.”

Coming to that level of understanding brings Clarity.   And, Clarity can get us to Resolution.

Is this life the type that will be the most rewarding?  Will this be the one or type of one that produces the most freedom…the most truth…the most you?

If the answer to any link in this line of questioning is “No,” then, as they say, ”The beat goes on.”  But hopefully the “going on” will lead to a heightened perception of how to get to “No doubt.”

That’s something your Mind’s Observer would like to see!

 Photo Credit – Eva Petric
Thanks to Steven Prestianni
for inspiring this blog



The Dilemma

Are we pawns in a cosmic game being played by higher level spirits or are we independent creatures meant to equally share in beingness?

The answer depends on which way we turn…which way we focus our lives…where  we are inspired to find our answers.

As a part of my work in helping to clear negative issues from the lives of my clients, I look at the status of what I call their Primary Spirit Guides, the two who govern their Rational Side and their Emotional Side, those who some call their Left Brain and Right Brain.

Who or what are these energies or spirits?

I have come to term them Beings from the Other Side of the Big Bang or, simply, Angels.

But what is their business here?

I would say that, at best, they would want to help in the development of those beings…us…who are evolving here, i.e., in sharing life at its most rewarding level.

It seems, however, that some of these spirits/energies are working against that goal, feeling the Generator or Initial Creative Spirit of All has made a mistake in bringing into existence the Beings of This Side of the Big Bang…Humans.

Therefore, these “Dark Angels” are anti-sharing, working against this dimension’s development and may become Negative Spirit Guides, pushing the conscious level of some of us to Negative Emotional Feelings or Negative Rational Decisions.

Is it the luck of the draw?  Or is it an attempt to blunt the power or purpose of specific humans?

“Why me?” one can wail. *

However, it may just be that such challenges are meant to exist, so that we don’t become “spoiled” or “pampered” and learn to appreciate earning our gifts and, ultimately, sharing them.

This dilemma does, at the very least, lead to the perspective of looking inward instead of looking outward in order to find our inspirations and answers.  It’s then that we can open our eyes and, confidently, see and go in the proper direction to obtain our goals.

That is the positive side of facing this and other dilemmas; our continuing to open unobstructed pathways to face all of life’s challenges.

Perhaps there are even ways to win over those spirits who stand in the way of sharing such an existence.  But that’s the subject of another discussion.  😊

* Actually, I did suffer from this affliction.
Perhaps it was an attempt to give me the
the experience, so I could understand it
and do the work I do to help others to
overcome this type of issue by going
through a process in which I “fire” a
client’s Negative Guide and bring in
a Positive Guide, who agrees to
work with them.

The Essential Question

“What would it take for my consciousness to accept the feeling of my being a creator instead of the feeling of my being a victim?”

First off, know that, in our fractional universe, one should be grateful to be able to ask that question, because the very act of questioning presents an acceptance of personal responsibility.

What’s more, feeling everything is not right often presents the very answer we seek.

And, in this case, know this very question is not only the essential question, it is, also, the answer being sought, because being able to ask it puts the asker on the right track for all the answers he or she seeks.

It will, ultimately, lead to the place where we can all come together…the reality that will inspire all of us…where we will all shine…where we will all become affecting instead of being affected…where we will become a singularity…where we will accept each other’s power…where we will become the true sense of uni-dimensional by being on a single wave length where we will all be creators.

That’s worth striving for.

So, ask it!

Thanks to Ronit Singer for inspiring this blog.