Against The Wind – Part 2

It’s been 42 years since singer/songwriter Bob Seger wrote and sang Against The Wind and it’s been 4 years since I used this image in a previous blog.

Of course, Bob and I were and still are “runnin’ against the wind.”  But whether you’re runnin,’ ridin’ or walkin,’ every one of you knows what it feels like to move against the forces of nature that seem to be impeding your progress.

The question is how do you go about sustaining the energy not to give up, especially when it means moving into an area you’ve never before experienced?

Well, here’s an idea to help you along…

Instead of forcing yourself to feel or be something, first approach the situation more analytically by trying to understand what it might be like to be such or such or feel such or such, instead of heading full-force into achieving the new level or situation.

This will give you the time to get used to what the result could or would be like and, therefore, be better prepared for how your life might change instead of blindly charging ahead and, perhaps, getting lost.

Of course, there’s that old saying, “He/She who hesitates is lost.” But I think it is, often, misunderstood.  The saying doesn’t say “has” lost.  It is merely a statement of fact. And, perhaps, “lost” should be changed to “considering,” because, again, I contend that understanding what you want to do or be is easier to achieve, if you take the time to visualize or conceptualize what it might be like before bulling ahead.

Most likely, you may determine the best way to move forward without incurring the pitfalls that will become more obvious with consideration.  However, it’s also possible you might decide that your quest is just not you.

Know, however, that this is a time for moving forward and upward.

The world needs your input!

Just shape it, so that, when you’re ready, it will be clear to both you and the rest of the world.

If you need some help or inspiration, let me know.


As we move through the equinox into spring (with those of you below the equator moving into fall), my hope is that the change of season will bring about your desire to help transform the world into something more uplifting than what the past season has delivered.

Hopefully, this image of Angel’s wings might inspire you to soar into a new sense of what life on planet earth could be…should be.

Long ago, Angels were visualized as winged, it being a representation of their having the ability to travel from one dimension to another, which ancient mystics perceived as by flying.

White feathers were to represent  the celestial realm, higher dimensions, the crown chakra, as well as wisdom and blessings that are connected to the moon. They, also, were to denote purification and the divine white light that would bring about inner awakening.

I ask you to consider what the turmoil of the past season has made you think about, has made you yearn for.

For you, the white feathers might be the answer or validation to whatever you have been having doubts about in yourself or in your connection to others.

Do you think the feathers come from peaceful doves or wise owls?

Whichever you choose or if you consider it could be both, think about them as a sign of protection for the work you’re doing or planning to do…for what you wish to achieve.

The bottom line for you to realize is that your energy is needed.

It’s time for you to take wings and soar!


Moving Into The Light

Whether it’s a decision, a commitment or a necessity, most of us have had some degree of being able to break through inertia from one life status, ability or situation that has been a hindrance, a burden or an imprisonment and being able to come into the light, attaining a new life status or way of being that offers liberation and joy.

Sometimes, it’s only a new way of doing something mundane.  But, no matter how simple the transformation, there is a sense of accomplishment or well-being…an inner nod to one’s self for having stepped forward.

Pisces will prepare those of us above the equator for spring…another chance for a new beginning.  Or, for those below the equator, it will bring on decisions as to how to weather the winter storms…also a step forward.

So, wherever you are in the world, now is the time to come out of the fog or shadows and make decisions on how to come into your new light.

What are the best steps for doing that?

Perhaps what currently is in your life, although not what you really want, seems easy, what you’ve gotten used to, even somewhat comfortable or effortless.  Why upset what is?

Well, that’s up to you.  It’s all up to you!

Decide whether you want to let the rest of the world pass you by or move with it…perhaps even leading the pack.

But, how do you go from what is now to what could or should be your future reality?

I suggest you make a list of your wants and desires; not just in your head, but written down.  Then, make a list of the issues that stand in the way.  (The more issues, the better.  And don’t forget the little things.)

Once you have your list of pitfalls, decide which of them, if any, are truly insurmountable and which are just difficult.

If the former, cross them off the list of desires or modify those wants.  But, if they’re only difficult, create a timetable of what needs to be done to surmount them and estimate how long it might take to achieve your realistic goal(s).

This exercise does not end there.

Make a vow, committing yourself to succeed in your quest.

Tape your list in a place where you can see it every morning and evening.  (The bathroom mirror is a great spot.  So’s the top rim of your computer.)

With successes or new roadblocks, update your list, as necessary.

This exercise will keep you focused and in action.

Try it.  Know that the world needs your light.

Why deprive yourself, not to mention all of us of?



The 1967 musical Hair told us humanity had reached “the dawning of the Age of Aquarius”…a progressive, innovative and humanitarian age wherein people would be filled with lofty visions for their own future and the future of all society…a desire to make the world a better place.

However, it seems most, if not all, of the world feels the dawn hasn’t transformed into the fullness of daylight…or, perhaps, has been rained out.

But, here we are at the finish of 2021’s yearend holidays, not to mention the beginning of the Zodiac sign of Aquarius, and have another opportunity to be inspired to step into the fullness of the new Age.

As I watched the Peruvian woman in the photo move from the inspiration for the design of a new rug into the actual fulfillment of her idea, it inspired me to begin a new facet to my work that is now being fully realized.

What about you?  What can inspire you to make new positive changes in your life?  Or, what do you wish to inspire in others about which you have questions?

Don’t be shy. The fact you’re reading my postings indicates you’re someone who has the ability to make or inspire changes meaningful not only to yourself, but others, as well.

So, now, I’m putting you on the “hot seat.”

And, I’ll ask again… What kind of inspiration do you need for your next venture?  Or, who or what do you wish to inspire in yourself or in others?

Wow! Writing this posting has just inspired an idea…!

If you call or text me with a question about what you need to inspire you or what you wish to inspire in someone or others….even the world, I’ll give you 15 minutes of my time to listen and offer any feedback that I’m inspired to help you think it through.

If you’re in another country and want to email me a paragraph on what you need to inspire you or you wish to inspire, I’ll send you a link and we can have our 15 minutes over Zoom.

So, it’s a “You tell me yours, I’ll tell you mine” deal.  (And, “mine,” only if you wish.)

Here’s to mutual inspiration!

Phone/text 917-687-0242 or email  My offer extends until February 18th.


‘Tis the season for new year upgrades and changes.

The important question becomes, how do you stick with what you intend to do?

Perhaps, you should start by addressing the “why” of your intention.

What is the reason for wanting to diet, learning or doing something new, stop doing something you currently do, committing or uncommitting to someone or some objective?

If it’s about something someone else has suggested or imposed, what are the chances you’ll stick to it?  Slim to none, I’d guess.

I suggest that your intention has to be something you really want because it’s, no doubt, going to mean changing not only your attitude but, even worse…your routine!

How will that be possible!?

Perhaps, the trick is to decide on a “step-program” in which smaller or easier objectives are set and, then, build toward the more difficult goal or goals.

Start with eye-gazing in a mirror.  Look…  That’s the you who wants something different.  Decide it’s importance and whether you’re really willing to change your attitude and routine to get it?

Don’t, however, worry about the possibility of succeeding.  Anything is possible! 

It’s the probability that’s at stake.  And that gets back to you and commitment.

So, stare at that current you as long and as often as it will take to convince yourself that the change is something you really want and for which you are really willing to commit to achieving.  Then, start charting the path forward.

What are some of the smaller and easier steps with which to begin?

Success in those endeavors will give you the zest and courage to take on the harder, more difficult steps.

You’ll start breaking the old routine and begin forming a new one.  And, before long, you’ll have a new routine off of which to build an even newer routine and so on.

Lasting change comes with small, easy steps.

Try it and have yourself a satisfying, if not happier, new year!



Your Happy Place

Do you have a “Happy Place” in your life?

Or are you one of those who’ve never had a “Happy Place” and don’t even have a conception of what that means or what it might entail?

Then, perhaps, I should explain…

A “Happy Place” is a refuge where you always feel uplifted…where you can take refuge in times of great stress and are able to renew yourself.

It could be your home…nature…a beach…a boat…a sport…a church…a synagogue…a mosque or a museum.

Or, rather than a physical location, it could be an internal place in your mind to which you can retreat in times of duress.

A “Happy Place” is something that endures.  It’s always there for you.

So, that rules out drugs or liquor that are transitory and may have physical and/or mental downsides.

If you already have a “Happy Place,” I’d like you to analyze what makes it so.  What makes it different from any other place in your life?  Is it something or somewhere you can share?  Or, is it just for you?

Understanding helps to keep it safe…unforgettable.

And, if you don’t have that internal or external location, then I’d like you to try and consider what you could envision for yourself.

Then, whatever or wherever it might be, I’d like you to find it.

The “Why?” of my question is my contention that everyone deserves to have his or her “Happy Place.”

We all need one.

That includes you.

Go for it!

 Photo Credit: ARTNWORDZ



As a result of this period of medical and societal struggle, I’ve gotten the sense that more people than ever are looking for a respite from their daily lives…a time of quiet, of escape from the turmoil around them.

As an antidote, I suggest meditation.

It’s not a magical process and you don’t have to go to Machu Picchu in Peru in order to do it.  It’s a practice you can do anywhere, at any time and in any way.

There are, of course, very ancient formal and interesting ways to begin meditation by entering a space, sitting cross-legged on a mat or the ground, placing your hands in a certain way, either on your chest, your solar plexus or your knees, then closing your eyes or not.

But, it’s perfectly all right to do it standing or lying down, as well…as informally as it’s comfortable for you to be.

Your way is the right way for you.

The objective is to calm your breathing to a rhythm that is restful to you; then, let your mind wander until it focuses on the smallest aspect of whatever’s in front of you.

When ready, either close your eyes or keep them open, but turn your vision, as much as possible, to an unfocused state.

You can hum or listen to the sounds of wherever you are and just honor the fact this is your time and your space for relaxation.

Try to hold a single thought, a sound or a picture in your head until it drifts away and your mind shuts off from whatever is happening around you or whatever you’re thinking or hearing within…your own empty space.

But force nothing or feel you are doing it wrong.  As long as it feels peaceful and comfortable, you’re doing it correctly.

While some like their space soundless, others prefer to have music or to meditate to the words of a leader.

Again…  Your way is the right way for you.

So, given all the varied hassles, interruptions and life issues with which we deal, I suggest you try developing a means of meditation that can bring you to a feeling of calm and well-being.  It will help you both physically and mentally.

And whether it’s for 5 minutes or 50 minutes, there’s no minimum or maximum time.  It is free time for a free person… You.

You’re worthy.  You’ve earned it.

Relax.  Enjoy!



The poet Dylan Thomas wrote the heroic phrase, “Rage against the dying of the light.”

There’s a lot of rage going around these days, especially in my country.  It threatens the very fabric of the nation, as it would any nation.

But that’s because it’s being evoked in a negative fashion due to the fact so many, if not most, of us are being enraged and are being pulled into the vortex of negativity in response.

What’s needed is the taking of a breath before addressing the issue.

And that starts with a calm understanding of what’s necessary to deal with it and a resolute decision to being willing to commit to whatever needs to be done.

The truth is that there is a positive side to rage.

It comes in taking that stand against the “dying of the light.”

The “light” is what all societies have been trying to understand, since the dawn of humankind.

It’s the opening to All.  It’s the understanding that there are no boundaries, no differences, no separations between countries, races or peoples.  We are all part of the same Earth that can, now, be viewed from above as by those fortunate few who have been in those rockets that have, recently, circled our globe.

For each of us, the “light” is the realization of not succumbing to be enervated, but in establishing a calm surety that we cannot be broken…that our light can never be extinguished.

Bottom line, negative rage is partially self-directed, arising from realizing the atrocities being committed and not doing anything about it.

Positive rage derives from engaging with the atrocities on however small a level one is able to muster; the knowing you are a valuable part of the All because you are you.

Join the young Eve depicted above and Rage On with that thought!

Spiral Thinking

The great playwright Edward Albee wrote in his play The Zoo Story, “Sometimes you’ve got to go a long way around to come back a short distance, correctly.”

That has, certainly, applied to me for much of my life, i.e., starting over.

However, one of my teachers recently pointed out to me that, “if by ‘around,’ you are thinking spherically, you’ve, literally, missed the point.”

Here is the point…

In a circle, you always come back to the same point…the beginning…the point of starting over.  But, for real progress, he stressed, you have to think “spirally.”

A spiral brings you “around,” but not just to the starting point.  It takes you to a new and higher level, then brings you around to an even newer and higher level…and on and on to newer and newer and higher and higher levels.

That’s how one creates progress and masters the art of living and one’s own life.  It’s how one evolves.

So, it’s not about the circle of life, but the spiral of life.

I urge you to take some time to determine how you might upgrade to thinking spirally and take your life to newer and greater heights.

If you need some help, give me a call.


As we approached the beginning of this year, I suggested it was a good time to evaluate how we’ve dealt with life amidst the global pandemic and begin to formulate plans for what I hoped, that by now, would be the end of it…to decide what we wanted for ourselves, our loved ones, our individual countries, the world?

Now that it seems the pandemic may endure for a longer time than anyone would have hoped or expected, I suggest it’s time to assess our previous thoughts and determine if and where we’ve made any breakthroughs.

But, first, it’s important to understand what constitutes a breakthrough.  And, I think the above image is an excellent representation of the breakthrough process.

Is this woman’s face emerging from primordial clay or moving through a brick wall?

Whatever the case, she looks knowing, resolute and on the way to success.  The question is, “Are you?”

It’s been easy to see the negative aspects of the past year and a half, but have you been able to see any positive aspects for yourself, as well?

You’d be a truly unique individual, if there have been no disruptions to your life.  So, has anything new emerged from the lassitude that most people have experienced?

Are there new aspirations?  A new plan for the eventual post-pandemic period?  Or are you still in a mode of stasis?  Yearning for the old “normal?”  Lost?

Making a breakthrough can be difficult.  It takes a sheer act of will; a sense of “What do I have to lose?”

Well, here’s something that I hope will motivate or inspire you…

The mere fact you are reading this posting indicates you have a Consciousness Level that is, at least, in the top 8% of the people on this planet and a Competency Level in, at least, the top 10%. That means you and what you do is, potentially, of value to, literally, billions of people.

So, what do you want to do?

For the good of us all, I ask that you use this period of world turmoil to consider in what part of your life or career you want to make your breakthrough and then commit to bringing it into reality.

I’ve been guided by the proposition that the Divine Plan for humanity is to enjoy the gift of life and that, if one is experiencing only angst or sorrow, it’s time to find a new path that will put oneself on a road to joy.

While, sometimes, your personal breakthrough may feel like moving through primordial mud or a wall of stone, you only have to look at this photo and see the beauty that can be achieved.

The world needs your beauty!

Please be generous.