The Price of Liberty

When I was in an 8th grade Civics class, learning about the American system of government, I was struck by the dictum “Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

Since a friend of mine, recently, told me a current high school student asked him why we celebrate on the 4th of July, I assume Civics classes may no longer be part of the national curriculum.

If true, I see that to be a shame, especially since the past year’s onslaught of the Covid virus has brought about an even more universal meaning to that dictum and has even brought about a renewed clash as to the meaning of liberty.

To mask or not to mask?  To vaccinate or not to vaccinate?  To live or to die?

These are the options we’ve been facing, with the difference from the past being communication has become more universally widespread than it was during previous epidemics and has, therefore, codified more universal reactions to the challenging questions with which we’ve been confronted.

And, that’s why I am so struck by this photo of the recent partial eclipse!

How we face the concept of liberty speaks to our former misunderstanding of the relationship between the Earth and Moon.

Let me explain…

While it was always obvious to humanity that the Sun supplied the energy that made our planet thrive, our ancestors initially thought that, when the Moon got in between the Earth and Sun, whether partially or totally, it was a dark omen that the reception of this life energy might be cut off.

It took scientific exploration to bring about the rational understanding of these total or partial eclipses as being cosmic wonders rather than omens of misfortune or doom.

And, we’re still in the learning process.

What we have come to learn is that the Moon acts as a gigantic planetary stabilizer that, in effect, keeps the Earth from “toppling over.”

If the Earth were “upright” and not tilted at the current angle of just over 23° and 27´to the line of its path around the Sun, there would be no seasonal weather changes and parts of our planet would be completely uninhabitable.

It’s only because this obliquity has been maintained that the planet’s rate of spin has been slowed enough to allow life to develop and to keep the Earth’s weather…which averages 58°F or 14.5°C…in a band that allows for 98% of its water to be in a liquid state and, therefore, able to sustain life.

What’s more, we’ve learned the Moon, initially, used its gravity to plow the tectonic plates of our planet’s surface, so essential minerals could be released and distributed for the life-development process to continue.

Bottom line, without the Moon, there would have been no DNA…no us.

However, all that knowledge has still not provided us with a plausible explanation of how the Moon got there in the first place!   Each supposition or theory has been disproven.

Yet, there are, now, those who wish to change the Earth’s course and/or the Moon’s  declension to “better” fit in with changes humanity has or may wish to make on Earth; this, rather than making changes to keep humanity more compatible with our relationship to the Earth and the Moon, not to mention their relationship with each other.

Humans have been given the liberty of Free Will to go with or against the flow.  But each of us has to participate in the connected decision as to whether we wish to work in concert with the long-term miracle of Creation or with the short-term, more selfish decisions based on a misunderstanding of how to act within the freedoms Creation affords us.

Think of it this way…  If time since Creation were based on a 24-hour clock, it has taken 23 hours, 59 minutes, 59 seconds and 995/1000th of a second to bring us to the Industrial Revolution.  That’s left merely 5/1000th of a second of this metaphorical day to cause what many term has been the raping of this planet.

Given the damage to the Earth that is continuing to occur in this remaining 5/1000th of a second, my vote is to keep Lady Liberty’s torch shining through enough positive, lengthy and universally beneficial events to cause a reconstruction of, rather than an end to, this “day” and, perhaps even lead to the creation of a brand new day.

What are your thoughts?

Photo credit: Anthony Quintano
Earth Existence as a 24-hour day
from Tom Chatfield
Scientific information from
Who Built the Moon? by
Christopher Knight &
Alan Butler

The Many Roads – Part 2

In last month’s blog, The Many Roads to the Primal Directive, my main point was to stress that no matter the number of people on Earth, the Prime Directive of what I term “Creator” is to share the fruits of creation and that all the billions of Soul paths are meant to, ultimately, lead to that understanding.

However, a few of you seem to have thought that I was open to or espousing unlimited population growth, which is certainly not the case.

So, I thought it best to clarify by focusing on what it means “to share.”

Sharing implies Caring…moving beyond the self to the support of others.

And, Caring, further, implies Consideration…accepting the differing ways of others with the faith that no matter in how many directions they go, it will, inevitably, lead everyone to the same point.

Moreover, Consideration implies Planning the ultimate party.

And, most importantly, Planning implies Thought…making sure the setting is beautiful and comfortable; that the food is abundant, shelter is assured and the joy is plentiful.

The desired outcome necessitates using our evolving brains to make sure, as I said last month, that everyone who shows up for the party will be well-versed in and committed to ensuring all will have a blissful time.

Finally, your Commitment will come easier and faster with the magic ingredient of Compassion that will produce and keep you on a rainbow path as illustrated above.                                                                                  
Photo Credit: Daniel Mercadante

The Many Roads to The Primal Directive

I was recently in a conversation about population control, wherein some espoused that the current pandemic and past plagues were actually “good” things in culling the over-population, while others made a stand for there being enough open land to feed and house several billion more people.

For my own answer, I reflected on what I consider the original point of Creation; the one thought that has given rise to the billions of ways to find the route back to it.

On this roundish globe there are many roads that, if each of us is given his or her free reign, I believe, will circle us back to that point of origin in the journey that is the lesson each of us is intended to learn.

In the process of both self and group enrichment, the point of Creation has been that we are destined to break apart in order to find the pieces that will, ultimately, bring us back together.

That new wholeness will be the fulfillment of the Creator’s Primal Directive…to share.

It is the point of the All, both pre and post of what we call the Big Bang, to share existence, together…in unity.

The trick is learning to use our Free Wills to do that, wisely and respectfully.

And, the promise of approaching our personal roads with the practice of sharing is that our paths will become clearer, more interesting and more rewarding.

So, it’s not so much about worrying how many of us will show up for the party as it is about making sure everyone who does will have a good time.

Yoga, Meditation & The Higher Self

Have you ever experienced the sensation of having “stepped out of yourself” as an impartial observer, who is almost disbelieving you’re considering performing a dubious act and, then, hearing a surprised voice, which is unlike your own, react with something like, “Really!?”

Or, have you, perhaps, had that shocked reaction pop up as if by an invisible onlooker, while you’re actually in the process of some controversial or nefarious activity?

If so, you’re probably experiencing your Higher Self or Soul being startled as it’s witnessing your life.

It can feel as quite a shock, especially if you have this realization while the action is actually taking place.  You may feel you’ve been dicovered and want to run.

However, because the experience is usually so fleeting, it may not even register that that voice is not your own.  But, if it does register, you may, rightly, get the impression your Higher Self feels it has been found “cheating” in judging your decisions.  And, that would actually be the case, since there is a “hands-off-unless-called-upon” rule in place between ours and our Soul’s’ dimension.

We are the Experiencers of our experiences, who have been given the Free Will to decide what we wish to think or do throughout our lifetimes.  However, what we think or do does impact our Soul’s future.  And, at times, our Soul may, inadvertently, betray its presence.

The good news in that “betrayal“ is the recognition that we are never totally alone.  Our Higher Selves…our Souls…are always with us.  Each of us are the focus of an evolving Being; part of something to which we are inextricably linked.

If you wish to welcome the awareness of this presence and commune with it…letting it know it has your consent…, the practice of yoga* and the meditative state to which it leads are highly recommended.

Yoga produces a state of achieving union and enlightenment.

In yoga, the asanas or poses are a preparation that bridges between physical and mental health; between compassion and experiencing love.

Then, in the meditation for which one is made ready by the asanas, it is possible to become not only the Observer of your mind, but to maintain the experience of your Higher Self or Soul becoming present to you, while it checks in on how you’re doing in the pursuit of your self-mastery.

Some may feel that monks or nuns may spend too much time sitting around in the meditative state.  But, that’s only because they haven’t experienced the bliss the union with one’s Higher Self achieves.

When, in Past Life Regression, I take clients into more than one of their past lives (which is always the case), they must, consequently, experience going through death.

Since I do this work with positive individuals, the experience has, without fail (well, except once), been one of utter joy; sometimes to the extent of my having trouble moving them beyond the first life because, in the after-life experience, they’re having such a good time being in union with their Higher Selves and the sense of freedom it produces.

The result is that they see Death is nothing to fear.

If you would like a referral to a Yoga Master who can help you get to that meditative state, I would be happy to provide it. There are, of course, classes online.

                                                                               *Note that I’m speaking of Raja Yoga
or the softer, more traditional styles;
not what I would term yogaerobics.


Birds of a Feather

During my marketing career, I was able to show major packaged-goods clients how to move from mass marketing to more targeted marketing and enjoy greater results by spending  less advertising dollars to enjoy even greater impact.

To do this, I used a national marketing model that broke the country into sociological and psychographic segments based on the old adage, “Birds of a feather, flock together.”

In other words, if a product would sell well in a neighborhood like mine…Greenwich Village, NY…, it would probably sell well in compatible neighborhoods like Old Town Chicago, Ill. or Venice Beach, CA as opposed to Sutton Hill, NY, Wheaton, Ill or Rolling Hills, CA.

I found that this same adage applies in personal relationships, when, several years ago, I learned to measure a person’s “Consciousness Level.”

What is that?

It’s a personal measurement method I learned, while in Peru, which I kiddingly refer to as one’s Spiritual Credit Score.  It takes into consideration one’s ability to be empathetic, sympathetic, compassionate, spiritually awake, how many lives one has lived, how far one is along their path to ascension and more.

It’s the first thing I determine, not only when I’m working with a client, but when anyone of importance enters my life.

It allows me to know how to converse with another person in a way I will be understood.  It determines our potential compatibility.

The scale of measurement goes from zero to one thousand with those under a score of 200 being considered Descending Personalities…what most would consider “evil”… and those above 200 being Positive Personalities…moving toward their ascendance.

I’ve found that people, especially couples, tend to relate best to those who have compatible scores.  And, while I appreciate the adage, “Opposites attract,” I would add in the majority of situations, “for a while.”  So, while wide differences might be okay in a work situation, I haven’t seen it pan out long term for couples.

This Consciousness Level measurement also allows me to ascertain a person’s veracity, as well as her/his spiritual awareness and appreciation for positive action. The process cuts through deceits and obfuscations.  And it can’t be faked.  It simply is what is.

Over the last 5 years, I’ve, also, applied this to people in government/the news and I have found it to be extremely telling.

And, though there are those who feel I shouldn’t be giving out my findings, the recent experience of the U.S. election and its continuing aftermath has led me to relate the following illustrations of “Birds of a Feather,” flocking together.

As an example of my contention, I’ve come to call the current administration the “390s”, since several of the Biden (395) Team have Consciousness Levels of 390…VP Pamela Harris, Chief of Staff Ron Klain, CIA Director William Burns, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Envoy for Climate John Kerry, Transportation Secretary Steve Buttigieg…  You get the picture.  “Birds of a feather.”   *

As further examples, there are the “175s” with Don Trump, Mitch McConnell, Josh Haley, Marjorie Greene, Ron Johnson and Vladimir Putin, all grouped together, Ted Cruz and Don, Jr. following closely behind at 150, John Bolton and Steve Bannon at 100 and former Senior Advisor Stephen Miller (who I believe is the ”Q” of QAnon) and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, bringing up the rear, considerably under a score of 50.  Vultures and hawks?  (Have you heard of cassowaries?) *

Currently, I choose not to work with clients who score under 300 unless they really want to be cleared of the negative issues being imposed on them.  Unfortunately, few do.

My clients/associates are all on a positive track with most in the 300-400 level, which I consider positive.  Perhaps 3-4 dozen, including government workers/notables with whom I haven’t work, but do support, are in the 400-500 level and a dozen or so, including the Dali Lama, whom I admire, are in the 500-600 level.  Only 4, who aren’t clients, but are among  my teachers are over 600.  (I understand that no one, currently on Earth, has reached 700.)

Note that this scoring is not a competition. I don’t even give my clients their Consciousness Level score unless or until they have been working with me for a while and have a clear understanding of its meaning.

I do, however, generalize, when speaking of their compatibility with others, especially those with whom they are in intimate relationships, their family, friends, co-workers or teachers/doctors on whom they rely for their well-being.

Again, it’s not a competition.  One’s Level is what one’s Level is.  Raising or lowering it comes over time as one lives in aspiration to reach her/his destiny or gives up and gives in to baser aspirations.

If you have questions on your compatibility with those on whom you rely for supporting you and your goals, you are welcome to contact me.

* All Consciousness Levels designations
are based on my own measurements.
If someone wishes to dispute any

     of my scores, please submit your
arguments and qualifications.


One of my teachers holds a weekly online satsang or spiritual discourse at which participants can ask questions relative to ascertaining “the highest truth.”

At a recent session, a question arose as to whether prayers or good works matter in creating change or whether everything is already fated or ordained, making prayers and actions ineffectual in altering the course of the Universe.

The question made me recall one of the few experiences I had near the beginning of my spiritual journey, when a voice, not of my own making, imparted information to me.

(Why that voice doesn’t continue to come, when I want or think I need to hear it, is my question ☹.)

In any case, what I heard was what I believe to have been the voice of an Angel (it was certainly not anyone in the room!) bemoaning the fact that the misuse or abuse of the gift of “free will” in the human learning process keeps impeding the inevitable flow of destiny and, repeatedly “messes up the Plan.”

It made me realize that what humanity, whether individually or en masse, does can alter the natural or intended course of events (and I’m sure it’s the same for the Soul creatures on other planets).

Ultimately, however, the intended flow continues, just as the river in the above photo keeps flowing despite the various rocks and boulders in its way that may cause blocks, twists or even infinitesimal delays.

The real issue has to do with the fact that we exist in a “time sequence” and time is different on Earth from how it would be measured on other planets in the Universe and in the beingness where there is no time, i.e., the All.

So, how we treat ourselves, others and the planet really does matter.

New Zealanders have come to a full understanding of the latter and, 3 years ago, the Whanganui River and an enormous amount of the Country’s land was given legal personhood, i.e., the same rights as any human.  (Would that all nations might come to this acknowledgement.)

The takeaway is that the “Universe” has a long-term strategy that will produce its inevitable glorious purpose, but we live in the short-term and can mess with and/or delay that inevitability, causing suffering and pain to ourselves and our planet in our Now.

But life can be so much easier, if we, simply, link our Intention to “go with the flow.”




As we approach the beginning of a new year, it’s a good time to evaluate how we’ve dealt with life amidst a global pandemic and begin to formulate plans for what’s ahead for us in 2021.

What do we want for ourselves, our loved ones, our individual countries, the world?

Well, if you’re confused, I suggest going back to the beginning and determining the answers to some basic questions.

First off, it’s important to know whether you’re aligned with your personal path.

To do that, one must consider whether Destiny shapes our individual paths or whether each one of us shape our personal destiny?

I suggest the answer is “Both.”

Our Souls bring us into this world for a new test…a new family, country, sex, race, circumstances…in order to prod us along to align ourselves with the ultimate Plan of Creation.

But, of course, we have free will to decide whether there is a Plan, whether we like the setup we’ve chosen or feel we haven’t chosen and, whatever our answer, whether we wish to pursue the course of our given or chosen experiences or not.  Therein lies the Great Dilemma.

Here’s my suggestion to help you along…

I came to this realization once I surrendered to the concept of telling the Universe to use me as it wished. I wanted to be aligned with the Universe and, since it’s expanding, I wanted to expand myself along with it.

Instead of “struggling” for what I wanted, I’ve learned to set my Intentions and, then, just show up on the Pathway I’ve chosen and let the Universe take me for the ride.

Setting the Intention is the key.  Do I want Health?  If so, I get on the Pathway to Health.  Do I want Wealth? If so, I get on the Pathway to Wealth.  Do I want a Relationship?  If so, I get on the Pathway to Relationship.  Do I want a Family?  If so, I get on the Pathway to Family.  And, so on…

You may ask, “What does it mean to set an Intention? What does it mean to get on a Pathway?”

Well, that’s an individual quest and there may be protocols involved with “getting on” your pathway such as schooling and/or training.  But, here’s a trick to help you answer these, as well as the deeper question of “Why this path?”.  And, you make think it silly or stupid, but it can work.

I’m sure most, if not all of you, have been to an airport or a mall that has a moving walkway.  That walkway is a “path” that will take you closer and more quickly to your destination.  Once you get on it, you don’t have to do anything.  You’re assured it will get you closer to where you want to be without any further action on your part.

I would invite you to go to a place that has such a moving walkway and go back and forth on it until you understand for yourself and get the feel for what a Pathway is.

Just keep going back and forth until you relax and “get it.” And, if bystanders think you’re weird, let them.  Better yet, invite them to join you.

This exercise can give you a feel for what it means to set an Intention, then show up on the Pathway and know it will take you where you want to go.  You’ll find there’s no stress, when going with the flow.

What’s more, it will give you a chance to really enjoy the ride.

It may even become a Zen experience!

However, if there is any stress, that’s your clue you’ve probably chosen the wrong path.  If so, you’ll have the chance to reverse course and try a new path that will allow you to, more calmly, achieve your dreams.

May 2021 open you to Pathways of Wonder and Light!


“Is this the profile of a fashionable woman with a feather in her hat or is it the face of a witch?”

This is the question I ask at the beginning of my talk, Origins: Angels and Us, which I have given to various clubs and groups over the past few years.

I ask it because there may be skeptics or non-believers in spiritual matters in the room and I want to challenge them to expand their perceptions on the origins and meaning of life and existence.

The response to this question always amazes me.  Yet, in most cases, the audience has been fairly evenly split as to what they perceive.  But, when I tell them the answer is both, some will dispute that fact.

However, once I outline how it could be either, I take a scientific approach to what is and isn’t known about Earth’s origins, as well as our relationship to the Moon in order to open even the atheistic members of the audience to the possibility of other dimensions and the meaning of our existence.

I choose this image, now, because I see it as a metaphor for what has taken place in my Country during our recent election.

Though, the majority vote has normally been consistent with our system of rules, 4 years ago, our system of rules allowed those with the minority views to hold the reigns of power despite the majority vote.

Now, even though our majority vote has more than doubled the previous election’s vote over that of the opposition and has, again, become consistent with our system’s rules, I find myself trying to understand the reasons behind the vastness of the opposition’s vote, despite the fact that, as a teenager, I held many of their tenets.

I start with the fact my nation was, originally, formed by castoffs and outlaws from monarchical societies, as well as sheer adventurers, i.e., the type who don’t like anyone telling them what to do.

I did and do hold with this latter group, insofar as its ethic was tempered with the Native American ethos, as shared with the Country’s forefathers, that all men are created equal and our equally endowed with certain rights and liberties, as well as the fact this ethos was not frozen in time so it could mature to include the same rights and liberties for all women, all non-landowners and all races, as well.

Unfortunately, many of our adventurer-types have not accepted this maturation process and think of current immigrants as potential freeloaders, when, in fact, they are only trying to do what the adventurers’ ancestors did…create better lives for themselves and their families by doing even the menial tasks the current citizenry was not capable of or did not wish to do.

And, yes, there were and, today, are those who may take advantage of rules and laws to freeload, but they are less dangerous than those current citizens, who manipulate markets, develop Ponzi schemes, overcharge for their services and cheat on their taxes.

It’s just a fact of nature that the sheer volume of humanity demands that some of the old ways need to be tempered.

My own perception is that we must temper the ethic espoused by the Chicago philosopher Neil Crane in the 1950’s…”It takes a heap of sinnin’ to learn what sanctity is,” by, perhaps, limiting it to “just a bit of sinnin’“ as well as tempering the 1960’s ethic of Hanover, New Hampshire philosopher Sleek Kreikos …”You can, if you want to,” with the wonderful expression of an unknown professor from New York ‘s Union Theological Seminary…

“Remember that Word…
The one from the manger…
It means simply this…
You can dance with a stranger.”

The Word, of course, was and is “honor.”

By honoring others, we will honor ourselves, create a great nation and become a model for all nations.

The world awaits the return of honor.

What’s your perception?



The Deeper State of Things

If you have been following my monthly postings, you know that I believe in higher dimensional beings I refer to as Angels and that Humans continue to reincarnate as their Souls move toward their ultimate Destiny.

So, when I look at the “State of Things” in the world, I see them within that context, which, to me, initially meant going below the surface and back to before time began, i.e., the other side of the “Big Bang.”*

The creation or allowing of this dimension to develop was, to most of the Angels, an opportunity to share with the evolving Human Beings a “road” to the higher vibrational dimension, by granting them a spirit-side or Soul.

By nurturing their Soul, each Human could evolve it to a point where it could merit this ascension…each life being a “test” toward finding one’s Soul and, in effect, earning one’s “wings” by, ultimately, becoming Ascended Masters.

However, this was and still is abhorrent to a faction of Angels, who think this is a bad idea because it somehow bastardizes or pollutes the exclusivity of their earthly “playground,” not to mention that it gives Humans eventual entry into their Higher Dimension, as well.

And, while the Higher Dimensional “Angels of Light” have the ability to cloak themselves with the “skin” of Humans and incarnate to help Humans in their development, the “Angels of Darkness,” likewise, have the ability to come into this dimension to bring about the chaos they hope will bring about humanity’s annihilation.

The biblical War of the Angels, as depicted above, testifies to humanity’s felt sense of both an inner and outer battle between “Good” and “Evil.”

So, as I view the “State of Things,” I see it as evidence of this ongoing struggle between the “Angels of Light” and the “Angels of Darkness.”

In past postings, I have referenced my learning to measure “Levels of Consciousness,” which gives me an unbiased idea of whether an individual is evolving or devolving…a measurement I kiddingly refer to as one’s Spiritual Credit Score.

Because of my work, I have, also, been given the ability to sense those Humans, who might be Incarnated Angels of Light, as well as those, who might be Incarnated Angels of Darkness.

Together, these gifts allow me to discern those, who on this plain, might be considered Positive or “Good” versus those, who might be considered Negative or “Evil.”

Now, given the reality of humanity’s current ability to destroy all life on this planet, I feel an obligation to report on what I am, currently, seeing from this vantage.

On the plus side, there are two countries, directly headed by Incarnated Angels of Light, and they are both positive examples to all nations.

But, while there are, currently, no countries directly headed by Incarnated Angels of Darkness, there are six, including the United States, that are heavily influenced by them, by virtue of Incarnated Angels of Darkness having governmental positions of high power or advisory positions to the Head of State.

Of course, there are, also, numerous countries governed by horrible Human heads-of- state, where their actions give credence to their low Levels of Consciousness.

Right now, however, I am most concerned with my own Country, which is literally in a battle for its collective Soul.

Not only are three Angels of Darkness incarnated as powerful Senators, but the Low Level of Consciousness President has surrounded himself with key advisors of this ilk, as well as Human advisors of even lower Levels of Consciousness than his.

This includes the “Q” or leader of the recently emerging QAnon conspiracy theory, who has created that subterfuge right in the West Wing of the White House, in order to bring many well-meaning Americans to embrace the very source of the evil against which they think they are fighting. Diabolical!

To battle against these forces, there are, unfortunately, only two Incarnated Angels of Light, who are fairly new state Representatives, and one state Governor.

So, here in the USA, it necessitates the Citizens of the Country rise up and make a stand against an evil of even greater proportion than they realize.

I pray there are enough Angels of Light, incarnated or not, who will stand with the American People to defeat those of the Darkness and their low Level of Consciousness brethren.

And, this struggle, dear reader, is “The Deeper State of Things.”

So, I urge my fellow Americans to join with our better Angels in action and in prayer to regain and reestablish “The Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.”

It starts with your vote.



PS: For the sake of brevity, this posting has not addressed the wonderful Elemental level of beingness, existing between the Angelic and the Human. These allies of the Angels of Light (Air, Fire, Solid Matter or Land and Liquid Matter or Water) have shaped the known Universe, especially the habitable planets, and, also, incarnate as Humans, often to give birth to Angelic Beings.  One earthly nation is, currently, being well-governed by an Elemental. Some are cultural and business icons and one has fairly recently received the Nobel Peace prize.

*Note that the “Bang” was probably more of a slight “Pop” as the lowering of the vibrational frequencies to the point of audibility created the first “sound” and brought this dimension into being.


Chakras (a Sanskrit term, meaning spinning wheels) are the centers of spiritual power in the human body. They have the responsibility of taking in, incorporating and emanating energy to keep us functioning at optimal levels.

When our chakras become blocked due to visceral upheavals or injuries, it can lead to imbalances in one’s emotional and spiritual health and that, in turn, can affect physical health, as well.

In my work, I concern myself with the 7 main chakras (crown, 3rd eye, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacrum and root) to open the blockages imposed on them from external, i.e., “outside” forces.

To illustrate; since emotions are linked to various organs in our bodies, solar plexus and sacrum chakras can become blocked due to the feelings imposed on us by others in our lives.  Their psychic rays of energy enter our systems like the cords attached to the woman in the above photo.

In the case where one has a boss or mate, who is always criticizing or berating, it can not only block the solar plexus chakra, but the person’s liver and/or gallbladder can be affected, as well. There is a psychic “hook” emanating from the other to the person’s solar plexus chakra.

Likewise, the heart chakra is, most often, blocked, when we cut off from friends, relatives or lovers, who we feel are disrupting our lives; but they haven’t cut off from us.

My role is to identify the injured chakras, quantify the number of attached “cords” and, then, cut them to restore the free flow of energy through the client’s system.

Following this, the Emotional Maturation process through which I lead my clients allows their negative emotions to undergo a metamorphosis into positive strengths.  Within a few hours, we accomplish a transformation some of my therapist clients have said would take them months to develop in a patient.

The ongoing use of these personally developed “tools” allows for the healing of the injured organs.

This is only part of the disentanglement from attachments that is brought about from a Total Renewal session.