Creating A New Normal

One of my teachers * recently reminded me that, “If you identify with mass consciousness, you will receive the results of the Law of Averages.”

That’s because of what she terms, “The Universal Law of Equivalence.”  It means that everything, ultimately, settles to a common or standard level…an average.

The question one should be asking oneself is, “Do I just want to accept the conventional?”  Once this pandemic is over, ”Do I just want to go back to ‘how things were’ or do I want to rise to a new actuality?”

Well, as my teacher suggests, ”If you want a new reality, you have to create a new normal.”

The issue, then, becomes, how does one go about doing that?

I would suggest looking at the positive side of what the world has, recently, been experiencing; things like better air quality in major cities, less noise, more heroines and heroes in the fields of hospital and medical care and, most importantly, a clarity that all humans are tied by common wants, needs and fate.

And, the latter should inspire you, especially if you understand that, in the course of your many lives, you have probably been or will be most every race, color, sex, nationality and religious creed practitioner.

If so, you have, no doubt, come to the conclusion that all lives matter and your quest should entail being part of the facilitation and creation of advancements in those areas that do foster the positives within our present situation, as well as in joining the stand against those institutions and individuals, who are denying or fostering the worst aspects of our common struggle.

Know that it is all about you, because you are part of and a representative of the All.  So, pick something that creates a new normal to raise and/or enhance a new reality.

*bj King, Namaste, Inc.    

Does 5G Open Us To Pandemics?

No one wanted to have COVID-19.  But, a great many people do want 5G radio frequency transmission.

However, given the fact the COVID-19 began to appear, not only in Wuhan, China, but, also, on American battleships and on major cruise lines, simultaneously with the introduction of 5G radio frequency transmission, there have been many articles stating that 5G may have created the Coronavirus.

While I don’t believe that to be true, I have discovered that 5G is facilitating the spread of this virus and will facilitate the spread of potentially new viruses in the future.

Over the past 100 years, various innovations, whether in war or peace, have been accompanied by worldwide pandemics of various degrees of impact on humanity. Whether it’s a matter of blood types, age or constitutions, the new frequencies that have been introduced hone in on the most susceptible.

So, it’s clear that disturbances in the atmosphere do affect our vibrational frequencies.

And, as I stated in my mid-March blog, on a molecular basis, everything is in vibration.  And, every thing and every person has a unique vibrational frequency.

That means every disease has its particular vibrational frequency, as well; the reason   why there’s a difference between the common cold, the flu, COVID-19 and cancer.   What scientists do is find medicines that have the right vibrational frequency to overcome or destroy the vibrational frequency of a particular illness.

My approach, to date, has been to block an individual’s unique vibrational frequency from that of the Coronavirus to make a person impervious or “off-limits” to the illness.

Now, faced with 5G, let me first give kudos to the cities and countries that are enlightened enough to ban 5G towers, altogether.

But, the question that has been presented to me is whether it’s possible, in less enlightened areas, to block those, who want or use 5G from its negative effects, not to mention all the rest of humanity who will be impacted by the thousands of cell towers that will be emitting its rays?

The good news is that I have been able to incorporate a 3G to 5G blocking Invocation within that for the Coronavirus and it will be available as an add-on to my Total Renewal sessions and as a separate offering, as well.*

Those who have had the Invocation for Coronavirus Blocking will be given a 50% discount on the addition of the 3G-5G Radio Frequency Blocking.  (Again, the fee is applicable as a discount for any of my other services.) **

Note that this new Invocation necessitates an herbal component, as well.  I have discovered a fairly common and inexpensive herb that is an essential part of staving off the effects of the 5G and other vibrational frequencies to which most all of us will become subject.

But, let’s hope that future generations will be wiser in introducing supposed innovations that may only enrich the few, but endanger the masses of humanity.

*Separately, the combined fee for Coronavirus/5G Blocking is $50.
**The fee for those adding 5G Blocking to Coronavirus Blocking is $25.
Both fees are applicable as discounts on any of my other services.
The name of the recommended herbal supplement for 5GBlocking
will be given on order and can be purchased at
or from many other vitamin suppliers.

A Better Way

The discussion group that triggered last month’s posting is, once again, responsible for this musing.

A young woman was asking about the “reasons for suffering” and, since I stressed last month that we are here to enjoy life, this question prompted me to reflect on why there is so much suffering beyond situations caused by honest intentions or well-meaning mistakes?  Why are so many good people being affected by this current planetary pandemic, much less the constant wars and other diseases on this planet?

It brought to mind a wonderfully amusing TV commercial currently on U.S. television in which an ancient-times human sacrifice is asking if water could be brought to the crops through some kind of piping mechanism instead of his having to jump into a chasm to bring about rain.  But, that’s how things have always been done and the antsy onlookers are not in a mood to try something new.  So, the chosen one is told to “get on with it” and jumps.

Then, the voice of a popular American celebrity, Ellen DeGeneris, talks about how Spectrum Mobile is “A Better Way” for cellphone service.

Kudos to Spectrum’s ad agency Something Different for continually providing the most clever and enjoyable TV ads over the past few years, but, also, for providing the answer to the young woman’s query about “the reasons for suffering.”

Throughout human history, there have been legends that have inspired the creation of what are called religions.  In Latin, “religio” means “way of life.”  And, everyone, including atheists, has a religion…a way of life.

Usually, those “ways” with the most people or more powerful weapons, establish the most populous or most popular way of life, due to their power.  And, once one has power, one is reluctant to give it up.

Also, from the time of the Cave People, humans have had an innate sense of a “Higher Power” to which they had to appeal for life’s necessities, like rain.  And the one person or group with the most popular idea as to how make these appeals has, usually, attained the most human power and has maintained rule until a stronger power defined a “better” way.

Depending on the Level of Consciousness (an issue I discussed in a previous posting) of the ruler or ruling class, a particular society’s “way of life” can be cooperative, productive and blissful for all or can be self-serving, cruel and painful for all but the ruler and a few in the ruling class.

If the latter is the case, of course there will be unnecessary suffering and the ruling religion will stress that that is just what life is all about.   But, the true reason for the suffering has to do with human greed and/or gross stupidity.

If a community builds on a flood plain because it is more convenient…meaning more profitable…to some, that is plainly stupid; that is bad planning inspired, most likely, by greed.  And, that can happen even in a society that is run by well-meaning rulers, who should know better.

Trying to understand our place within nature and in connection with each other have been and currently are the fundamental issues confronting humanity.

We should all constantly be searching for “A Better Way” to do just about everything.  And, that is, arguably, more complex today, than ever before.  We have to overcome the mistakes of our predecessors…even those decisions that may have been well-meaning.  Why?  Because things change.

The positive aspect of the current pandemic is that is has brought into the light the clarity that all humans are connected on this global quest for answers.  We need to be united as humans before being citizens of separate countries.  There is no difference between the fundamental life concerns of the American rancher in Nebraska and the Australian rancher in Queensland.

And, no country has all the answers.  Why is it that my country with only .0425% of the world’s population has (at the time of this writing) 1.6 million cases of Coronavirus instead of its “fair share” of the world’s 5 million cases, i.e., 212,000, and, therefore, has nearly 100,000 deaths instead of the world average 6% or 20,000?  It’s, of course, due to the stupidity and greed of the current government.

There has to be “A Better Way!”

I once heard a shoe-shine man in an Atlanta, Georgia airport, respond to a client, who asked, “Are you having a good day?”  He replied, “Every day is a good day, if you just face up to it.”

It’s up to us to decide if we wish to put up with a world of suffering or to co-create the world of joy this was meant to be.

I believe humanity’s innate sense of a Higher Power has been spot-on.  It’s the understanding of our ability to properly recognize the manifestation and meaning of this Higher Power and how to effectively relate to it that has been the puzzle.

Through my life’s work, it has become clear to me this dimension was created by Beings from the other side of the Big Bang and, not only do they watch over our progress, but many of them have incarnated as humans throughout the ages in order to help us on our evolutionary path, spiritually, inventively, artistically and organizationally.

Abraham, Buddha, Christ, Magdalene, Rumi, Al-Jazari, Jeanne d’Arc, Da Vinci, Mozart, Tesla, Franklin, Mandela and Baldwin are just a few examples of those who have helped humanity move forward with more understanding and in a more positive fashion.

Today, they are here as an internationally popular writer, a music star and the heads of two of the world’s best run governments. (And that’s just a few of the many, who are currently incarnated as women!)

However, I have, also, learned there are those of these Beings who feel the creation of this dimension was a mistake on the part of the Creative Force of All.  They, too, incarnate as humans, but their mission has been to bring about chaos.

Torquemada, Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and others of their ilk have all come into this dimension to bring terror to this world and end this dimension.

Unfortunately, some of their ilk are involved in the governing of some of the world’s key nations, today!

The mythic Battle of the Angels as depicted in art and writings throughout the ages is actually based on a truth that exists to a more hazardous degree than ever before as a result of the weaponry that has been created.

However, the demons among us are not hard to recognize.  Their greed and deceit have become more and more blatant.  Plus, as referred to above, I have learned to read their Levels of Consciousness.   So, there’s no use in their trying to hide.   And, my only agenda is to discover the truth, no matter where it leads.

The bottom line is that, more than ever, it is up to those who stand for truth, openness and sharing to work together in order to bring about a global unity of peoples dedicated to constantly searching for “A Better Way.”

The Unifying Essence

I recently participated in a virtual discussion in which several people were asking questions centered around, “What is Truth?”

I couldn’t help but feel these questions were entirely off point. It was like asking, “Why is red?”

In reality, “truth” is relative to “what” you’re talking about.

If you put your bare, unprotected hand in a fire, it’s the physical truth that you will be burned and, most likely, feel it is unpleasant, unless you don’t have the common mental receptors. If, however, you’re inquiring about the point of existence, truth necessitates a more complex definition.  However, it, also, has to do with feeling and your mental receptors.

So, there are Relative Truths and there are Higher Truths.

To get at the latter, requires, starting at the beginning…

Each of us comes into this world at a different place under different circumstances and at a different time.  Depending on how we’re being nurtured or treated, we develop particular coping or defensive methods to deal with our situation in order to make it pleasant or, if failing at that, to react to our degree of suffering.

Our starting point defines the direction in which we head.

And, if ours is an unhappy or unfulfilling start, at some point we may question our initial perceptions and change direction. In this case, and, if free to do so, we will tend to gravitate toward what is safe, pleasing, enjoyable.  But, even then, as a result of how we go about pursuing our desires…whether through selfish greed or shared kindness…, our satisfactions may be temporary or unenduring.

Why is that?

Some feel we are here to suffer, because we were born “sinful” and deserve it, unless something or someone absolves or releases us from our condition.  And, even those who feel we are here to enjoy our stay seem to continually go through  degrees of enjoyment, seeking higher levels of vibration, in order to reach an ultimate sense of contentment or peace.

But what is peace to you, may not be peace to me.  And, even that may be temporary, anyway.

So, is there one Truth…one reality in which we all would find a common, ultimate satisfaction?

Well, I may have found the clue painted on a rock in, of all places, the front garden of a building on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue, off 10th Street.  It read, simply, “Beyond Peace is Bliss.”

It made me realize that, in a state of bliss there is no thinking, no wondering how I’m doing, no questioning whether I need anything more.  I am, simply, blissful.  I feel I have reached the ultimate satisfaction…the All.

Subsequently, I discovered a Hindu mantra…Sat Chit Ananda (Existence, Consciousness, Bliss) and realized that is the base, common path on which we are all embarked.  Existence came into being, Consciousness evolved in humans and obtaining Bliss is the unifying essence of it All.

In meditation, this mantra has become the only thing that moves me from thinking into just being.

And, my work has become helping myself and others on our way to Bliss.

The key is this acknowledgment…

We are not here to suffer.

We are here to enjoy.

That is the Truth.


Coronavirus Blocking – Part II

Though there has been a great response to my recent offering to do a Blocking Invocation to prevent Coronavirus (COVID-19) from infecting people, there still seems to be confusion on the part of some as to how it works.

So, here’s another attempt to make the process more clear…

When it comes to people and even places, I’m sure you may have, at one time or another, thought or said, “That place gives me a bad vibe” or “I get a bad vibe off him/her.”

On a molecular basis, everything is in vibration.  And, every thing and every person has a unique vibrational frequency. So, just as we have our own vibrational frequency, every disease has its particular vibrational frequency, as well.  That’s why there’s a difference between the common cold, the flu and the Coronavirus.

Therefore, knowing the vibrational frequency of Coronavirus and COVID-19 and knowing a particular person’s vibrational frequency, a “block” can be established to make them incompatible, i.e., make the person “off limits.”

The question, then, becomes, who would know these frequencies?

And, just as you take a leap of faith, when picking a doctor or a mate or when “praying” that something or someone will turn out “right,” I’ve spent nearly a score of years tuning into a higher vibrational frequency…another dimension, the Beings of which (I call them Angels) have, on my request and without fail, been able to remove a variety of negative and debilitating issues from my clients.

While the greater part of my work concerns Emotional Empowerment and the Beings who work in that regard, some of these Beings specialize in healing physical issues.

It is one of these, who has elected to work with me in reading the Coronavirus and COVID-19 frequencies in relation to those who wish to be blocked from them.  Together, we have developed a protocol for this purpose, the Invocation for which is sent on completion of the work to those requesting this service.

Clients to date have seen there is an additional bonus beyond this initial issue that I’ve included in the Invocation.  It’s involved with my contention that, if this virus can be blocked, what about other diseases or physical issues?

Because of the urgency and pandemonium surrounding this issue, I’m only charging a small fee* for my time and even making 90% of it applicable as a discount on any of my other services.  So, it’s virtually free to many.

I hope this gives more clarity on this service.  If you still have questions, please contact me.

* Payment of $55USD can be made via Paypal to
under the Friends and Family option or add $5 for transfer fees.
Supply your name, birthdate and your full mailing address.
Note that some have had this Blocking Invocation
applied to their dogs, cats and even a horse.


Blocking Coronavirus & An End to Fear

As I’ve mentioned in a previous posting, I have, recently, been given permission to include physical healing in my practice.  In that regard, I have, already, had success with abdominal and core body issues.

Yesterday, I was given permission to block the coronavirus from affecting my clients.

Here’s how it works…

Every illness/disease has a particular vibrational frequency.  And, every person has a particular vibrational frequency.

For some of my clients, in concert with particular healing Angels, I have been doing Protection Spells to shield them from the actions of those, who would attempt to negatively influence their reputation, livelihood, work, creations, business or homelives through words, feelings or actions directed via commands or energetic attacks.

In such cases, the perpetrators are surrounded with a protective energetic “bubble” to block their attempts and reflect their negative energies back onto them.

In much the same way, this virus can be blocked from you, as well.

All I need is your birth/married name, date of birth and physical location. From this, the Angel with whom I work in this regard can determine your vibrational frequency and block it from that of the virus.

I’m hoping that this may, ultimately, work with other physical issues, as well.

The fee for this work is $55.  (For new clients, $50 may be discounted from a Total Renewal session.  For current clients, $50 may discounted from a follow-up session or one of my other services.)

It will save you the expense of masks and other apparatuses.

Enjoy your Leap Year Day!

A Very New Testament

I want to pick up on a previous posting in which I discussed The Other Side of the Big Bang, which I consider a fascinating subject.

I decided to delve deeper into how that “place” might be better expressed and link it to what I have learned from the Angels about their principal connections to our dimension, especially regarding Earth.

(For those of you new to my work, it’s not so weird, if you think of Angels as operating on higher frequencies and consider that you receive the frequencies of hundreds of channels on your TV and that dogs can hear higher frequencies than humans.  All one needs is the right receptor to “hear” these Beings.)

So, the following is what I’ve been told and, while it might cause some to unsubscribe, I’ll just have to live with it.  My thanks to those of you who are willing to continue to listen.

The Other Side of the Big Bang

When there was no When and no Where, there was a What…a Consciousness that existed within a singular note of vibrational frequency…the ineffable Creator, the Non Thing that was and is All.

And, within this Sound of Silence on The Other Side of the Big Bang, the All began to emanate other notes, other vibrational frequencies comprised within it…the initial being those of the Supreme Masculine and the Supreme Feminine, who, in turn, emanated vibrational frequencies of a step lower…the Merkabah* Angels and Angels of the Tree of Life, who, in turn, emanated several lower vibrational frequencies, the ranked “choirs” of Angels.

Again, this succession of vibrational frequencies was accomplished pre matter within the All.

The Big Bang  

Time and matter began with an audible crescendo of lower frequencies, The Big Bang, which burst forth in all directions and continues to do so, creating “place” with molecular structure, comprised, first, of gaseous and, then, solid constructs.

The force of the Big Bang moved the Angelic frequencies from a sense of completeness to occupation; motivating them, as well as putting into motion their own creation of Elemental Beings to construct useful forms from the Matter.

The potential of the universe became kinetic in time and space, moving from pure Isness to Busyness as Illumination brought forth Light.

The Repository of Souls

After 10 billion years as Humans would measure it, a repository of lower frequencies or Souls was set aside for the Beings whose Consciousness would evolve on the habitable worlds within the universe of constructed Matter.

Those Beings evolved from Matter would have to earn their level of Consciousness… that being the vibrational frequencies of their given Souls.

The individual reward for these Beings, put through the test of several lifetimes, would be the opportunity to achieve levels of vibrational frequency equal to those of the Elementals or even the various choirs of Angels, i.e., to become Ascended Masters.

The degree to which Elementals and Angels help the Planetary Beings in their evolution and ascension, including incarnating as one of them, is an opportunity for them to raise their own levels of Consciousness, as well.  A win win situation.

Unfortunately, conflict to this Plan has arisen due to a faction of Angelic Beings, who feel this new dimension of Beingness is a mistake…an error on the part of Creator, i.e., that there is nothing of value to be learned from this dimension or from being in harmony with it; that the best solution is to get rid of it.

These “Angels of Darkness,” also, incarnate within the Beings of the habitable planets.  But, their mission is to create chaos and the destruction of the worlds they infect.  There is, therefore, an ongoing battle between the Angelic Armies of the Light and the Armies of Darkness.

Angelic Visitation

At a stage of physical and mental development of Earth’s species, Humans were granted Souls through the Visitation of the planet’s Ministering Angel.

Thereafter, both the Angels known as the Supreme Masculine and the Supreme Feminine incarnated at stages in Human societies where one nation or society held dominion over vast numbers of people.

They alternated between being Mithra, Attis and Krishna before incarnating together as Mother Mary and Jesus Christ, the latter two bringing together the teachings of Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism with the single Word that defines Humanity’s ultimate teaching, the concept of Honor…the equality of all; the acceptance of all others as one accepts him/herself…the true nature of Human Beingness.

A Very New Testament

Though the story of Mother Mary and Jesus Christ has been altered, aggrandized and bastardized over the centuries, the truth is much more interesting than the fiction and is now coming forth in The Very New Testament.

These Angelic incarnations came at a time, when Roman power held dominion over most of the known world and there was, also, access to the world beyond its control. And, they did not come alone. Their circle was a coterie of incarnated Angels and Elemental Spirits both to nurture and protect them.

Mother Mary, the incarnation of the Angel Barbelo (the Supreme Feminine), was a member of the Magdala, a circle of female teachers and healers, who gathered off the West Bank of the Sea of Galilee.

Mary’s mother, Hannah, was the incarnation of Ranos, an Elemental Fire Spirit, who, also, gave birth to her sister Elizabeth, the incarnation of the Angel Za’Afiel.

Within Sacred Ceremony, Mary was impregnated by Zacharias, a fiery Sadducee Chief Temple Priest, who was the incarnation of the Merkabah Angel Akatriel, one of the 8 Angels known as the Supreme Judgment Council.

After the death of Zacharias at the hands of the Romans, Joseph of Nazareth, the incarnation of an Earth Elemental, became the step-father of their child, Jesus, the incarnation of the Angel Kether (the Supreme Masculine).

The Seraphin Angel Sandalphon incarnated as Christ’s cousin and apostle, known as James the Just and the Angel Abel incarnated as Jesus’ cousin and apostle, John.

Muriel, an Elemental Earth Spirit, gave birth to Mary Magdelene, who was the incarnation of the Merkabah Angel Azbuga, also one of the Supreme Judgment Angels.

This confluence of incarnations indicates its importance to setting forth a simple explanation of how Humans might connect beyond the power of a state.

As an example of the importance of family, Mary Magdalene became the wife of Christ and was carrying their child, when he was crucified.

Simon the Cyrene, the incarnation of the Seraphim Angel Michael, served as the young Christ’s bodyguard as he studied in present day Egypt, Iran and Syria; then, bore the cross, when Christ could no longer carry it on the day of his crucifixion.

After he awakened from his coma, Christ, along with his disciple Jude Thaddeus and a small cadre of followers, escaped to India and Kashmir where he taught and preached his Word until his death by natural causes in Penukonda, India.

After Christ’s departure from Israel, Simon accompanied Mother Mary and a cadre from Magdala to present day Yemen to protect her from the Romans.  He remained her protector until the day of her death.

Mary Magdalene, her sister sister Martha and other women from the Magdala, were sent to Southern France to escape from the Romans.  There, Mary gave birth to Tamar, the incarnation of the Angel Agiel.  Her descendants gave rise to the Merovingian dynasty.

Cosmological Considerations

The universe is expanding and that expansion is happening in all directions.  Therefore, most, if not all the other habitable planets are, probably, moving in directions farther away from Earth.

The likelihood of travel between habitable planets is, therefore, diminishing unless pathways such as Worm Holes exist.  But, that is doubtful, given the laws of physics and the fact I’ve been given no clue about their existence.

It may be that Humans are entangled with other planets’ species and can connect via thought transmission or the teleportation of energy, rather than via mechanical means. (More to come.)

Though the physical laws of their planets may alter the appearance and physiology of Beings on other habitable planets, they are subject to the same hierarchy of Angels and Elementals in their development.  That, we have in common and is a cause for inter- world bonding.

Keep in mind what I expressed in my earlier posting… What the ancients called gods are what we call Angels. And, things and feelings have Angels charged to watch over them.  There is only one Creator, but there are billions of Angels.


Surely, there will be more revelations as we are given the ability to further understand the cosmology of this dimension, the laws of nature and the information derived from new Angelic incarnations.  But, hopefully, within the light of our current understanding of science and the laws of nature, the above information will make more sense to you than the stories handed down to us from a few thousand years ago.

If you have questions (or arguments), please feel free to contact me.

            *Merkabah refers to the “Wheels of the Creator’s chariot.”
In other words, the Beings who put the All into motion


The Shift

Contrary to what some of you have indicated as worries about my health, my saying that last month’s posting might be my last, meant nothing ominous.

The issue is that there is a very strong probability I will become the Executor of a new foundation whose mission is to create positive advances in alternative energy technology, environmental protection, land usage, wellness and the arts.

Admittedly, that would be a lot to take on. And, though this hasn’t been finalized and there is always the possibility it might not come through, leaving me with proverbial “egg on my face” and looking more like the lone dude depicted above, I’ve been given a more than strong indication it will soon happen and am taking a leap of faith in mentioning it.

So, while, at present, I’m not at liberty to go into details, I expect that my future postings might be more sporadic and may become more of a diary or progress report.

I might, also, be contacting some of you for advice on certain aspects of the work in which the foundation would become involved.

So, bottom line, this would be more a shift in the focus of my communications, rather than an ending to them.

I might add that I would still be doing my Healing Facilitation and Empowerment Coaching for those of you who might desire to work with me, as well as for friends and relatives you recommend.

In fact, there has been a new development in that regard.

As most of you are aware, up to this point, my work has concentrated on clearing negativity issues imposed on people, helping them to transform negative emotions they’ve created and channeling information that will help them empower themselves.

However, that work has only peripherally dealt with physical issues.

Recently, however, I’ve been given the ability to deal with physical issues, as well.

Thanks to a courageous friend with a long-term severe intestinal problem, I’ve been able to test this ability and it has proved successful in creating a reported constant 70% remission with long stretches of full remission after only two sessions.

However, this person had undergone my Total Renewal session as described above.  So, now, not only do I wish to do a few additional tests with other current clients, I, also, want to test this ability with a few people, who have not undergone my current work.

I need to prove to myself, first, that my ability is sound and, if so, whether it will only be available as an add-on offering to clients, who undergo the Total Renewal process, or whether I can offer it as a stand-alone process, as well.

I must add that, as opposed to some of the healers with whom I deal, I’ve been counseled that, at this initial stage, my ability is limited to “hands-on” work as opposed to remote healing.  Therefore, this offer is, obviously, open only to people who can visit me in person.

So, if any of you in the Tri-State area are intrepid enough to undergo a free physical healing session, please contact me with the issue facing you.

If more than a few of you are open to this opportunity, please understand that I will select from those whose issues offer me a variety of situations, so I can feel confident in the degree to which I am able to add physical healing to my repertoire of services, i.e., whether there is a particular niche in which I can successfully perform or whether my work can be more universal.

Best wishes to all of you in this important new year, ahead.

And, in the words of Tiny Tim, “God bless us, everyone!”


Vibrational Frequencies & The Other Side of the Big Bang

There’s an interesting admission attributed to a Native American from the Chippewa Nation … ”Sometime I go about pitying myself. Yet, all the while, I am being carried on great winds across the sky.”

When I first heard this, I, immediately, felt a connection to everyone on this marvelous “blue ball” that’s endlessly whirling through space as our Universe expands with the Force behind what we call the “Big Bang.”

So, I thought I’d take this opportunity to offer my apologia…statement of beliefs.

I had, previously, understood from Science that the Energy generated from this expansion Force, while it becomes altered into Forms, remains constant within the total amount of Energy.  In other words, there is no Energy lost.  It just transforms into the myriad Forms.

However, I, recently, learned that all the Forms, the material “Stuff” that we know about, is only 5% of what exists as a result of the Big Bang…the electrons and quarks that make up the atoms found in our Periodic Table of Elements and create all the Matter (68% of the rest being unknown Dark Energy and the remaining 28% being invisible and untouchable Dark Matter).

Kind of mind boggling!

But, most importantly, I realized that the All started with Energy, that Energy preceded Matter and that, being such a preciously small amount of what is, Matter must have special significance.

The “why?” it may have special significance led me to consider this Energy was initiated by some Initiator beyond my level of understanding.

That conclusion led me to further consider there was a purpose or intention to this initiation, i.e., that an Idea preceded the Energy, which, in turn, gave rise to Matter… and, after billions of years, gave rise to Creatures that could contemplate this Creation …Us.

What’s more, because of certain conditions that have only become known at this time in the evolution of Humankind, such as the relation of the Moon to Earth, it led me to conclude both that part of the Idea was to signal there is an Order to our Universe and that the Initiator wants to be acknowledged, if not known.*

This perception has led me to believe the Big Bang has not ended; that it is a portal through which Energy continues to be added to this Dimension.  But, the Form of this new Energy is of a different type than that which makes up Stuff or even the Dark Matter or Dark Energy.

The impetus for that assumption was the realization that our reasoning ability…our Consciousness…is not part of Stuff and that it’s, therefore, reasonable to presume the Initiator, most likely, has this same Consciousness ability, albeit on a much higher and ineffable level.  Okay, an extremely higher and ineffable level.

So, it is Consciousness that connects the Dimensions, i.e., ours to the Dimension from which the Big Bang emanated.

And, here’s where I, currently, net out by following the thread of my logic…

From Science we, also, know that everything is in vibration and, therefore, everything has a Vibrational Level or Form Frequency.  However, because of Consciousness, every Human has, in addition, what I call a Form-Spirit Frequency.

Everyone’s actions add to his/her Form-Spirit Frequency via the development of their Consciousness.  And, it is Consciousness that connects or feeds the Form-Spirit’s Frequency to the person’s Essence Frequency that is “housed” in what we term the Soul.

The Soul is the “container” that has and holds the Essence Frequency…the “credits” earned from lifetimes of Form-Spirit Frequency Consciousness growth (positive), modified by “credits” lost from lifetimes of Form-Spirit Frequency Consciousness decline (negative).  And, this Essence Frequency is lodged in the initiating Dimension.

In other words, the Human Consciousness Level (Form-Spirit Frequency) links to the Higher Consciousness Level (Essence Frequency) and feeds back to it the net positive or negative result, when a Human dies.

In reverse, the make-up of the continuous Big Bang consists of the Form-Spirit Frequencies released by the initiating Dimension as new Humans are Formed.

But, of most importance is that it’s the Essence Frequency of our Souls that link us to this Dimension’s Initiator, the Creator, and provides us the opportunity to be Co-Creators of this Dimension, by either enhancing it with positive Form-Spirit Energy or disrupting it with Negative Form-Spirit Energy.

The question becomes whether or not we’re alone in this endeavor?

As an answer to that, my work has shown me there are Beings within the Initiating Dimension with Essence Frequencies of a different level or type of measurement …higher or more evolved Frequencies than that of a Human.  And, they are able to help us evolve.

In fact, we can call upon these Beings to influence the direction of our Dimension’s evolution because they have dominion over the various aspects of Creation.  What the ancients called gods are what we now call Angelic and Elemental Spirits and they can, indeed, be called upon.

These Beings, also, can and do enter this Dimension as Human Beings.  However, entering this lower or Human Dimension is like going into a fog of forgetfulness and they “awaken” in birth as blank slates in this Dimension where time and other measurements are different from the other side of the Big Bang.

Like Humans, these Higher Beings return to a Human Consciousness state with their new incarnation at the same starting level of Form-Spirit Frequency at which their previous incarnation ended.

Yet, though they are in every way Human, their purpose differs.  As opposed to that of a Human, who is in search of his/her Destiny, an Angelic or Elemental Spirit already has their Destiny.  And, their purpose is to be of service to Human development.

Their process of life as a Human is to remember or to be alerted as to who they are and, hopefully, rise to their purpose, as well as use their time in this Dimension to fine-tune their own Essence Frequencies.

It is through these Beings that the Initiator is supporting our development.  And, this gives further evidence to the positive intention of the Idea behind Creation.

What’s more, I contend a Human can, eventually, obtain the higher Vibrational Frequencies of Angels and Elementals through achieving what is called Illumination.

So, whenever we’re tempted to give in to pitying ourselves, it would serve us well to remember that we have been given the magnificent opportunity to be Co-Creators of this Dimension as we’re “being carried on great winds across the sky.”

*I’ve gone into aspects of the Earth/Moon
relationship in a previous Blog that I
can send you, if you are interested.
But, bottom line, the information has
led even atheistic scientists, who’ve
studied the Moon, to conclude there
is an Unknown Creative Agency, a
(UCA) that’s trying to communicate
with us Base-10 oriented Beings.
However, whether it’s a UCA or
 Creator, that level of beingness
is way beyond our capacity to
comprehend or understand it.

Public Servants

In the first Article of the Constitution of the United States, it is the People who “ordain and establish” their nation and begin their document of rule by granting the Congress of their Representatives the Power to establish its laws.

It’s not until the second Article that the People set up the office of the Executive, who will preside over the government…their chief public servant.

The main reason for setting up this form of government was to distinguish it from the countries where birth and privilege determined the ruler.  In the United States, command was to belong to the People.

And, while the definition of who the “People” are has, wisely, been expanded via amendments over the past nearly two and a half centuries to include all genders and races, as well as the un-propertied, what has not been amended or changed is the concept that the People’s Representatives and their Executive are supposed to be public servants.

Unfortunately, there are some in the United States, who have mistakenly assumed, perhaps because they have not even read their document of laws, that the People can be conned into limiting their power and returning to the rule of birth and privilege.

Since I work to empower people, I feel it’s both fitting and important for me to engage in a bit of public service by reminding my fellow citizens of their power and how our country was organized to be run.

It’s time for each and every one of us to step into our power and let would-be despots know that, in this nation, because they swore an oath to our Constitution, the guiding principle for relating to our Representatives and Executive is supposed to be, “You work for me!”

And, if they don’t get that, then the remedy is…”You’re fired!”