
The times are demanding a greater amount of courage than most of us have previously needed.

It takes persistence to develop that courage. It starts by facing, not fleeing from whatever obstacles are put in our way.

That’s why I love this image!

If this little bird can weather the storm by putting its head down and standing resolute without flinching or flying off, then why can’t any one of us be as courageous?

Perhaps facing and then completing some small tasks that have been constantly postponed or been put aside might be a good starting point.

A sense of accomplishment is a tonic for moving to larger issues.

And even if there are some things that don’t work out, the fact they were faced and not fled from is an achievement in itself.

Keep the image of the little bird in mind and, as you move forward, it may morph into an eagle or a condor.

And you will move forward as long as you realize your “storms” are opportunities for cleansing.

What’s more, even if you have a storm that doesn’t seem to end, you can defeat it by keeping sunshine in your heart.

Remember…  If you’re reading this, know I am on your side.  But it’s even more important you realize that you must be on your side!
