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The Tree of Life Re-Envisioned

Throughout human history, including varied countries, cultures and religions, trees have been cosmological metaphors for understanding Creation.

Why trees?

Perhaps it has to do with the fact trees are the greatest natural conquerors of gravity …think redwoods…with their sap rising without a heart-like pump as if sucked by a giant straw to feed their highest branches and foliage.

Their magnetism is embedded in our psyches and scientists have recently discovered trees actually communicate amongst themselves, even sending the neediest necessary nutrients through their root systems.

To me, the most interesting of these tree metaphors stems from the Hebraic Kabbalah in which what is known as The Tree of Life is embedded in what is known as The Flower of Life. 

The latter is a symbol that belongs to Sacred Geometry*, which espouses all life is part of a divine, geometric plan, the Flower being a model of Creation (the 19 circles within the central circle of the above image).

The Tree of Life, itself, is considered to be a map of the universe, the order of Creation within the cosmos.  It is an arrangement of ten interconnected spheres (called Sephiroth), that represent the central organizational system of the Kabbalistic cosmology.

The lines or channels of energy that join the Sephiroth together represent the 22 possible pathways to reach Illumination. **

So far, so good.

The problems I have with this metaphor are twofold…

First, the Sephiroth are not inanimate “things” or mere “emanations” of the Creator’s being as most Kabbalists would have it, but actual conscious entities, which I refer to as the highest stratum of Angels.

Second, the energies of the first nine of these beings, taken together as the roots, wood, sap and fruit of the Tree, are aspects of the Divine Feminine, a being who holds all their energies and powers.

Having initially been derived within a paternalistic framework, it’s my view that the feminine nature of these life-giving aspects has not previously been sufficiently recognized. In fact, in large part, it has been ignored or hidden.

In the above representation, this Divine Feminine is linked to the Divine Masculine represented by the Sun Seed that fuels or Illuminates the Tree. Therefore, moving through the aspects of Life leads to Illumination.

So, what is the big deal about this re-envisioning of the Tree ?  Why does it matter?

It’s a matter of relevance.

Whether referred to as this galaxy’s Mother Earth, Lady Earth, Gaia or the more universally expansive Angel Barbelo, the Divine Feminine exemplifies today’s re-emergence of the equality women enjoyed in many ancient cultures such as Peru’s 900-year Chavin Era over 3,000 years ago.

What’s more, in the above depiction, that the Divine Masculine energy sits “above” the Tree does not mean it is greater than or even the dominant energy. (What happens when the circle is rotated?)

The reality is that, together, the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are co-equal energies, forming the stuff of Creation.  One without the other would be meaningless.  One without the other would not allow for Creation to manifest or even be.

Together, they bring humanity to the closest possible understanding of Creation and the Creator.

This is the relevance of the re-envisioned Tree of Life.

       *Sacred Geometry reveals the harmonic energy
patterns by which nature creates and designs.
All structures known to us follow this plan.
It’s fantastic and reveals the miracle of life.

** The ten spheres represent the ten archetypal
numbers of the Pythagorian system. The 22
lines or channels of energy that join the
 Sefiroth together correspond to the 22
letters of the Hebrew alphabet


Here are the Angels who make up the Tree of Life, their designations/powers and their ministering (i.e. “right hand”) Angels.

Kether – The Divine Masculine – Illumination – The Crown

Barbelo – The Divine Feminine – Bliss – All LifeSandal

(Read right to left within the central circle above)

Chokhmah – Wisdom – The Power of Knowing

Binah – Understanding – The Power of Love

Chesed – Mercy – The Power of Vision

Gevurah – Strength -The Power of Intention

Tipheret – Beauty – The Power of Creativity

Netzach – Victory – The Power of the Eternal Now

Hod – Splendor – The Power of Observation

Yesod – The Foundation – The Power of Manifesting

Malkuth – The Kingdom – The Power of Healing
The Shekinah

Are You Or Your Soul The “Higher” Self?

Following last month’s posting on The Abode of Souls, I was told a story that has made me rethink the term “Higher Self” and brought me to a deeper understanding of the majesty of our human experience.

A client, who I believe to be the Earthly incarnation of an Angel, told me he had been suffering from a back problem and, in a group discussion in which he had recently participated, someone else mentioned they were suffering from the same issue.

Another member of the group suggested that person might have a “stuck” emotion that needed to be released.  So, my client wondered if that might be his problem, as well, and decided to ask his Higher Self if that might be the case.  (FYI, you don’t have to be an incarnated Angel to talk to your own Soul.)

The answer he received was that he did not have a stuck emotion, but his Higher Self admitted it did.  And, in investigating what that emotion was, he discovered it was jealousy.

That meant, in a higher dimension, an Angel was jealous of another Angel, which struck him…and, subsequently, me…as totally bizarre!

The reason he told me this story was because he wanted me to take his Soul through the same Emotional Maturation process I was going to take him through in our Total Renewal session.  He felt that, since he was suffering from an issue that was not of his making, the release of it on the Soul level might end his pain.

I really had to think that through.  And, here’s what I realized…

One of the issues I consider, when diagnosing any client, is whether they might have what is known as a Past Life Contract…meaning an agreement made in a past life for money, power, fame, marriage or any other wish in which their Soul was complicit and which caused others suffering or harm.  (Those who have such an issue seem never to be able to realize their goals in this lifetime.)

So, that’s an issue I’d already been dealing with for which one’s Soul holds the responsibility. It’s just that I had never considered an emotion in that way and, certainly, never thought of jealousy existing on the Angelic level.

But, then again, why not? I remembered the reason Angels incarnate as humans is to work out their own issues in a material, sensorial existence (as well as to help humanity evolve, of course). After all, no entity is perfect.

My takeaway was that sometimes what is afflicting one’s Soul could be what is negatively affecting its human incarnation and rebirth might even be a cry for help on a Soul’s part.

The implication is that this life may be your chance to be the Higher Self that changes the direction and the afflictions haunting your Soul. What’s more, the fact that, in some lifetimes, you might serve your Soul by being its Higher Self and fixing its mistakes is an affirmation of humanity’s importance.

Most refer to the saying, “As above, so below” and do not give credit to, “As below, so above.”  Again… That is a key reason why Creator brought this dimension into being.

So… Since one’s Soul is not always the “Higher” Self, I will no longer be using that term.  From now on, my alternative to “Soul” will be “Prime Self.”

Incidentally, since our “dual-level” session, my client’s back issue has vastly dissipated and is, hopefully, on the way to total remission.  (So, that’s reassuring.)

There is a silver lining in the fact that what haunts you may not always be your issue.  Beyond meaning you have the ability to be the healer of your Soul, it attests to the power you have to obtain whatever you wish to achieve.

Own it.

The Abode of Souls

A young boy asked, “Where do Souls live?”

It’s taken me a long while to get an appropriate answer to that question.

To do that, I had to start with where we are.  Who we are.

I’ve come to understand that we are the expression of our immaterial individual essences…our Souls…the Experiencers of our experiences …in where we are, now.

But, where is that where?

It’s life in this 3-dimensional existence of solidified molecular structure in which we have senses with which to do our experiencing.

It’s where our Souls…our Higher Selves…are, currently, locked-in in terms of overview…the where they are observing an ego that does the experiencing according to the setup of our Soul’s “mood” or want of learning; its need of learning, at this time.

And, as these Experiencers, we can call in our Souls’ wisdom and relate to it…or not…during this particular journey of life.

However, we are born into this dimension with amnesia.  And, the process of life is to deal with challenges and delights chosen and presented to us to, hopefully, advance and, eventually, find our way “home.”

Once on that track, those challenges and delights will, expectantly, awaken us to a sense there is something beyond this dimension…that wherever we physically are and whatever we are doing is a preparation for something beyond the confines of our egos.

This realization will bring us to a new sense of life, a 4th Dimension, where there emerges an understanding we must go through a cleansing of both imposed and internalized issues that are preventing us from moving forward and achieving this “beyond.”

And, if we submit to this cleansing, we will be able to reach a 5th Dimension where there is a true sense of selfhood, of an empowerment that embraces not only ourselves, but all others, as well.

Once one reaches this connection to All…this 5th Dimension…, there will be an experience of soulitude where we realize this current life…this ego…is part of a greater beingness and we can begin the ascension into new levels of understanding.

It’s in that 5th Dimension ascension we will realize we Earthlings exist in a parallel dimension with our Souls’, that they are “home” and that, when we have completed our current life’s journey, we will be unleashed and unfettered…free to enjoy “R&R” in that parallel dimension…before, of course, returning to new Earthly lives and beginning the process again and again until our Soul’s destiny is realized.

I liken it to rising in an elevator, reaching upper floors of a building from which the view becomes more expansive the higher we go as we get closer to fulfilling our destinies.  (Why else do you think humankind has always been so obsessed with towers and higher and higher buildings?  It’s in our DNA!)

As I see it, in this “structure” the Angels have the highest floors in order of their hierarchy with the Elemental Spirits under theirs, followed by human Souls and those of conscious beings from any other planets on floors consistent with their individual ascendancy.  Yet, each view is sufficient for a Soul’s current ability to see, so none feels less than or envious of another.

Part of the Past Life Regressions through which I’ve taken countless people over the years is having them experience what happens after death.  With only the exceptions of a few very tortured individuals, clients have expressed a sense of true freedom to the point that it is difficult to move some of them into a subsequent life experience.   (“Leave me alone.  I’m enjoying this too much,” is a common reaction.)

So, the answer to the “boy,” who I admit was me, is that the abode of Souls exists in an alternate dimension that is parallel to ours, so our Souls may “see” and guide our ascension to the degree we allow…hoping to get better views from “higher floors” as we progress in achieving the realization of their destinies, each time around.


Learning To Love

This Posting is only for those serious about creating an enduring relationship.

A friend of mine, who recently suffered a romantic breakup, asked me why she couldn’t get her former partner out of her mind.

Having, recently, been in the same situation and dealt with the same feelings, here is what I offered for her relief…

The first thing to understand is that, if you really care about someone, you need to be able to feel you can be truly happy for them, even if they feel their life would be better without you.  Let them go!

Why grieve over the loss?  Look at what you have learned from the experience and treasure how it may have energized you, but move on.

Why would you want to fixate on someone who doesn’t see your value, anyway?  Instead, why not attempt to discern the signs that were there from the beginning that you may have missed?  What questions didn’t you ask that would have revealed the other person’s true agenda?

If you were having a wonderful relationship and the other person suddenly put the brakes on it for no apparent reason, it’s probably because they were frightened off by some issue in their own life that had nothing to do with you.

Some claim the need for freedom is paramount in their lives.  And, that’s the real reason why they can’t bond.  However, true freedom is not “just another word for nuthin’ left to lose” (as Janis Joplin would have it) or about selfish hoarding, but about being able to give, share, extend, connect.

It’s, also, a fact that some people simply lack the courage of commitment and get along by filling their lives with temporary fads.  (And, if you’re serious about yourself, you don’t want to just be someone’s fad.)

There are those for whom being accepted may be frightening because it’s too real.  And, reality may be too big a step for them.  In that case, you can only pity them or pray for them.

I recommended the latter and told my open-hearted friend to honor herself for her precious ability to commit.   Their intuitions brought her and her partner together.  But, thinking on the partner’s part, obviously, got in the way and ended something beautiful.  While that’s upsetting for my friend, on a karmic level it’s, ultimately, far sadder for the other.

Some time ago, I participated in a psychological discussion group.  In one of the sessions, the moderator mentioned he was working with an Asian couple whose families had decided on their marriage.  “Can you believe in this day and age,” he queried, “that parents still decide who their children should marry?

In response, one of the group members chimed up, “In America we’re much more advanced.  We let our parents’ projections decide who we marry.”

Everyone had a good laugh, but then the discussion turned to how true that comment was.  And, it’s the case in all the Americas; in fact, all Western cultures and beyond where most aren’t daring enough to move past parental projections and respect their intuition.*  That being the case, it pays to know the other’s backstory.

It was in that group that I began to ask myself what the elements of an enduring relationship would be.  And, after listening to countless stories of both broken and successful relationships, I came to what I thought the essential ingredients of a sustainable relationship needed to be.

At the time, I thought these ingredients were four in number, but recently I’ve learned of a fifth.  Their rank order can vary, so I’ll just relay how it is for me.

The new ingredient to my list, which I guess I had been taking for granted, is Honesty.  And, I’ll rank that as number one.  If you’re not truly saying what’s on your mind or are hiding some aspect of yourself, the relationship is doomed from the start.

Then comes Acceptance…taking the person for who he/she is; not wanting to change them from how they live their life. If, for example, you’re always correcting them or being corrected, i.e., one is trying to make the partner other than who they are, you’re both in a dangerous situation.

Of course, there can be negotiation.  And, that gets to the third ingredient…Respect.  Talking can unearth the “why” the other acts in a certain way, e.g., why they don’t put the cap on the toothpaste tube.  Learning about the other’s reasons can open hidden doors and bring about a deeper connection through that understanding.

The fourth ingredient is Celebration…honoring the other for their specialness, even when the two may be in the same professional field.  If one is always putting down the partner in front of others instead of extolling their virtues, the failure of the relationship is imminent.

The fifth ingredient is, perhaps, the most difficult…No Agenda.  If one of the two has always wanted to live in a particular place, or is set on having a certain number of children or none or “has” to travel to a particular vacation spot he/she has always been going to, that is cutting off mutual decision.  As a couple, you are no longer just you and your desires. It’s about starting at square one and making mutually agreeable decisions on just about everything.

The important thing to realize about relationships is that the above ingredients apply not just to the couple but, firstly, to each of the people in the relationship before they even engage in forming a union.

Each has to be honest with him/herself and accept, respect, celebrate and have no agenda within themselves.  It’s only then that they’re ready to engage in a relationship.  And, if only one member of the couple is ready, then it’s still not going to work.

When it comes to love, most of us are no more advanced than the couple in the picture above.  We all wear masks that need to be removed.

If you’re seriously interested in having a relationship, start by being kind to yourself and, then, extend that kindness to the other.  And, be brave enough to let your intuition guide you.

The “attempt” to connect is fundamental to life.  The “why” we are all here is to learn to love.

* That’s what I love about Greenwich Village. 
Here, every possible couple combination exists.
And, I give a special blessing to mixed racial couples,
who are bringing humanity to the color we were meant to be.

Sacred Union

Progressive Christians celebrate the feast day of Mary Magdalene on July 22nd, so I invite you on a journey of new perspective.

I was about 5-years-old, when I first heard about Mary Magdalene and immediately assumed she was Jesus’ wife.  I mean, why wouldn’t he have a wife? What would be the sense of coming to Earth and not experiencing the best part of Creation…woman? (I was a very precocious child.)

I was dismayed, when I later heard Mary was considered to be a “wayward woman.” Of course, I never believed that. And, it was not that I had anything against wayward women. (Again, “precocious.”) It was just that I imagined Jesus would have had a wife of more regal a background.

So, I discounted the conventional view and felt vindicated when, in college, I learned that Mary Magdalene was from a highborn family of teachers and healers, may have even initially been a teacher of Jesus and was supposed to take over his ministry as head of his “church.”  No wonder the misogynists denigrated her!

I finally felt totally vindicated in my belief, when I traveled to the south of France and discovered that I wasn’t crazy.  There, it is commonly accepted Mary and Jesus were married.

In celebration, I climbed to the grotto of la Sainte-Baume, Mary’s hangout for contemplation, when she came to France with their child after the crucifixion. (Oh, yes, that, too!)

It was not only a profound experience, but developed a desire to learn more about her. (And, this was all long before Dan Brown wrote The Da Vinci Code.)

My study into this Sacred Union has, therefore, continued, both from a historic perspective and as a model for relationships.

As a model for relationships, I am most impressed with how they worked together. At a time when most wanted the Messiah to be a warrior, I believe Mary had a great deal of influence in tempering Christ, so his message of honoring everyone would be dominant, universal and ageless. In other words, I believe she brought out the best in him and he, in turn, totally honored her.  And, most importantly, they were always there for each other.

If you are familiar with my work, you know that my “historic perspective” goes beyond this dimension and what I eventually learned is, to me, far more interesting and meaningful than what I had been taught in my youth and is still the conventional belief.

On a soul level, Mary Magdalene was one of the many Angels, who incarnated as humans at the time of Christ. Mary’s “Higher Self” is the Angel Azbuga, one of the 8 Judgment Angels, who rank above even the Angels Metatron, Michael and Raphael, with whom you might be more familiar.

Whereas Angels do not have a sex per se, but are comprised of both male and female energies, some, like Azbuga, are overwhelmingly imbued with one energy or the other. Azbuga is a female energy and is known as the principal Angel healer; so, quite fitting to be linked on this plain with the highest manifestation of male energy.

Many, as I do, refer to our present time as the Magdalene Era, the re-emergence of the feminine, heralding… (Well, that’s the subject of perhaps another posting.

What is important to understand is that information those in power may try to hide or destroy has a way of re-emerging over time because we reincarnate.

And, though we come into life as blank slates, there are remnants of the past that can be triggered and inspire the feeling of making sense like a déjà-vu or passé-vu that defy what the powers-that-be might want to keep hidden or try to purvey as the “facts.”

For whatever you might think of the writing, that is why a book like The Da Vinci Code had such a universal impact. It brought forth the memory of the Sacred Union.

I was once told that there is no legacy of higher value than good example. And, no matter your particular creed or spiritual practice, there is no better bequest to humanity worth emulating more than that of the Sacred Union.

A Free Look Into Your Mirror

The way I begin to work with someone is by diagnosing the external and internal issues preventing them from moving forward in determining or pursuing their life purpose.

Today, I am offering 11 people who are preparing to embark upon such a journey a free diagnosis of the issues confronting them, plus a short 15-20 minutes “result” call ($100 value).  Then, a determination can be made whether or not to engage my services to dispel negative energies confronting them and/or transform emotional weaknesses into positive strengths.

Why am I doing this?

For two reasons.

First, it’s to honor and celebrate the upcoming birthday of my dearest friend, who claims birthdays aren’t important to her (LOL).

But, it’s also about clarity.

Let me explain…

The other night, I had a dream wherein a Wise Woman told me to be “clear.”

Interestingly, that happened the evening after I met with Intuitive Katina Mercadante, who is known as “The Empowerer of Empowered People.”

After our session, I was able to clearly articulate my life’s work…to root out Darkness and bring in Light.

In that regard, I have been preparing my clients for living more productive and empowered lives, as well as for ascension to higher dimensions of consciousness.

The “how” of my work has been a 15-year commitment to become attuned to the vibrations of numerous Elemental and Angelic Beings, who are willing not only to reveal information to me and act for me, but teach my clients through me, as well.  (My 150 channels are quite different from those you have on your TV.)

Besides being known for unfailing entity and curse/spell removal, I have, also, been able to identify and mentor many Elemental and Angelic Incarnates, giving them an understanding of their purpose in coming to this realm.

However, Katina told me that, now, it was time for me to take my work out of the shadow of secrecy where, until now, it has been available only through referral and open it to all.

It’s become clear to me that the current state of the planet no longer allows me to wait for people to be brought to me.  So, I will be seeking them out.  Therefore, this offer.

Thank you, Katina, for empowering me to move forward, more openly and quickly to provide a clear mirror to help more people see and understand their power.

So, if you or someone you love or know are willing to make a gigantic leap into a better future, you are welcome to be one of the 11 to take advantage of my offer. Contact me through this website to, at least, learn without obligation what may be impeding you or yours from moving forward or being held back from success.

It’s important to learn to walk before you can run.  And, those of you embarking on moving to higher spiritual dimensions need remember to resolve the issues on this one in order to make your ascension successful.

Fifth Dimension Preparation

According to ascension teachings, the Earth is in the process of shifting into a whole new level of reality in which a consciousness of love, compassion, peace and spiritual wisdom prevails.

This Fifth Dimension has been described as the Dimension of Love, of living totally from the Heart.  In order to enter into this Dimension and stay there, all mental and emotional baggage must be left at the threshold. No fear, anger, hostility or guilt exists there—no suffering or sense of separation.

There are many fine guides in the U.S., Colombia, Australia, Oman and elsewhere (refs. on request), who can take you through the portal into the Fifth Dimension.  The question is, “Are you prepared for the journey?”

Total Renewal clears you of any negative energies that would inhibit you and allows you to create the emotional strength to overcome past weaknesses, so you are able to move forward fully empowered.

As Hamlet came to understand, “The readiness is all.”


There are so many mysteries in life, some of them great and some of them small.  And, either can be vexing.

Why, for instance, do a contact lens, an earring, coin or my keys not just fall straight down, so they are easy to find when dropped?  Why can I not master this mysterious “Physics of Falling Objects?”

Why is he looking at me?  Why isn’t she looking at me?  Why do you look so familiar? Why can’t I remember your name?  Mysteries.

Or, more importantly, why do some people have the response–ability to act quickly, when someone else is in danger?  Why can some take care of siblings or even incapacitated adults at an early age, while some can only do so later in life or never?

Why is that?  Mysteries.

Or, of major importance…  What am I doing here?  What is my purpose in life?

Well, to answer that mystery, one must turn off one’s cell phone, the blaring music, escape the city sounds, screams of family members or friends and calm down by going into quietude.


This might necessitate meditation where you are required not to think or perhaps just being quiet, so you can think.

Another mystery is why either can seem so hard to do.

However, whatever you prefer or works for you, don’t expect the answers to come quickly.  For some, it may take more than one lifetime.  But, the important thing is to begin the mysterious quest for selfhood.  (This, by the way, is what my Total Renewal Sessions aid and empower one to do.)

As a general hint, however, I will tell you that, if you are moving forward with joy in both your life and your work, you are moving in the right direction.  If you are in constant turmoil and misery, you are not.

You are not here to suffer, but to enjoy.  There may be issues set in your path to delay your embrace or realization of joy, but they are merely tests for you to overcome.

As you begin the mystery of self-discovery, it won’t always be easy being you, but be comforted in the fact that all mysteries are meant to be solved.


Magic, Miracles & Destiny

Did you ever wish for something so hard that it actually came true?

Did you think it was Magic that it happened? I’m not talking about the slight-of-hand type of Magic or the kind that is summoned through incantations, but the kind that takes deep feeling or concentration to generate an energy that produces the desired result.

But, more rational types might dismiss this as a “rare event” and pose the question, “Did you ever wish for something so hard and it did not come true?”

Then, perhaps success is due to a Miracle…a sign of that a higher energy or sentience is granting your request by overcoming natural forces.  Or, perhaps, your request is denied. After all, wo/man plans, while the Creator, God, the Angels decide(s).    Isn’t that a common attitude?

Well, I would not dispute the actuality of either Magic or Miracles, but I would offer an alternative view that has recently occurred in my life. And, that is Destiny.

Destiny only requires a letting go…an allowing of the occurrence of what is supposed to happen, actually happen.  It is an acceptance of and a trusting in that whatever will happen is a test, whether pleasant or not that will, ultimately, bring you to Illumination.

So, the takeaway for this month is to relax and permit the Universe or its agents to provide what will best serve your development, your future.

And, my wish is that your Destiny will be wondrous and will swirl around you with a truly magical feeling.